Zoom Unveils Reseller Partner Program for Zoom Phone BYOC

Zoom Phone Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) Offers New Revenue Opportunity to Resellers and Maximum Flexibility to Customers

Zoom Phone Provider Exchange Connects Customers Directly with Providers

Zoom Phone Reaches New Milestone with 2 Million Seats Sold

SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today at Zoomtopia Partner Connect announced that its reseller partners will have the opportunity to sell Zoom Phone Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) licenses. They will also be able to connect customers who use enhanced cloud peering to access PSTN to Zoom Phone Provider Exchange, a new way to discover providers and follow a self-service journey to provision phone numbers securely. Zoom is currently running a pilot program for select resellers that meet the requirements to sell Zoom Phone BYOC and expects to welcome a wider pool of resellers by the end of the year.

Built on Zoom’s intuitive platform, Zoom Phone is a full-featured cloud phone system for businesses of all sizes. Zoom Phone BYOC provides enterprise customers with the flexibility to keep their current PSTN service providers by redirecting existing voice circuits to the Zoom Phone cloud, or implement a hybrid solution with Zoom Calling Plans. This high-value capability allows customers to enjoy all of the benefits of Zoom Phone while keeping their existing service provider contracts, phone numbers, and calling rates with their preferred carrier of record.

Previously, only Zoom Master Agents had the opportunity to refer deals for Zoom Phone and Zoom Phone BYOC. Now Zoom’s reseller partners from around the world who meet the requirements and qualify will be authorized to resell Zoom Phone BYOC.

Zoom Phone BYOC customers who use enhanced cloud peering to connect to PSTN will also soon be able to access Zoom Phone Provider Exchange. The new Zoom Phone Provider Exchange offers a streamlined experience for Zoom Phone BYOC customers to select the provider of their choice, and provision phone numbers directly in the Zoom portal. As a result, Zoom Phone BYOC customers will have more choice and flexibility in terms of providers and their geographic reach.

“As our channel program continues to evolve, I’m excited to introduce the Reseller Program for Zoom Phone BYOC as a new opportunity for our reseller partners,” said Laura Padilla, Head of Global BD and Channel. “We’ve seen a lot of success in selling Zoom Phone, reaching two million seats in just 10 quarters, and I see a lot of opportunity for our resellers with our Zoom Phone BYOC program. Zoom Phone BYOC provides customers with the flexibility to stay on their current carrier or easily use a combination to best meet their geographic reach and service needs.”

To learn more about becoming a Zoom Partner, please visit https://partner.zoom.us or reach out to partner-success@zoom.us.

About Zoom
Zoom is for you. We help you express ideas, connect to others, and build toward a future limited only by your imagination. Our frictionless communications platform is the only one that started with video as its foundation, and we have set the standard for innovation ever since. That is why we are an intuitive, scalable, and secure choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit zoom.com and follow @zoom.

Zoom Public Relations
Matt Nagel
Public Relations

معالي المهندس خالد المديفر أثناء مشاركته في معرض ماين إكسبو الدولي: المملكة تتمتع بمناخ استثماري حيوي ومتطور، وهناك فرص نوعية تنتظر المستثمرين وشركات التعدين

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, 15 سبتمبر / أيلول 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

شارك معالي نائب وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية لشؤون التعدين، المهندس خالد بن صالح المديفر، في فعاليات معرض ماين إكسبو الدولي 2021 المقام بمدينة لاس فيجاس في ولاية نيفادا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، خلال الفترة من13 إلى15 سبتمبر الجاري.

وفي كلمته أمام المشاركين في المعرض تناول معاليه الفرص النوعية التي تنتظر المستثمرين وشركات التعدين في المملكة التي أكد على أنها تتمتع بمناخ استثماري حيوي وسريع التطور. ووجه الدعوة إلى الشركات والمهتمين بصناعة التعدين ليكونوا جزءا من عملية تطور ونمو القطاع التعديني بالمملكة الذي أصبح اليوم أكثر انفتاحاً على مجتمع الأعمال ويمتلك فهمًا عميقًا لتعقيدات التعدين، فضلا عن امتلاك المملكة كدولة سجلًا حافلًا بالنجاحات مع الشركاء الدوليين من خلال تقديمها لنموذج أعمال واستثمار هو الأفضل على مستوى العالم، منوهاً بالبنية التحتية المتطورة التي تتوفر في المملكة، بما في ذلك الطرق والسكك الحديدية والموانئ وشبكات الكهرباء.

وتطرق معالي المهندس خالد المديفر، خلال حديثه، إلى تفاصيل الدورة الأولى من قمة مستقبل المعادن، باعتبارها المنصة الشاملة والأولى من نوعها التي تجمع المستثمرين وشركات التعدين والأطراف المعنية في القطاع وتقدم كّل ما يُلبي اهتماماتهم فيما يتعلق بإمكانات قطاع التعدين في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وآسيا الوسطى وشمال وشرق أفريقيا.

وأوضح أن برنامج القمة، التي تنظمها وزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية بالتعاون مع عدد من الجهات المعنية في المملكة، في الفترة من 11 إلى 13 يناير 2022، يستند إلى أربعة محاور، حيث يتمثل المحور الأول في بلورة وتحديد مركز تعديني جديد يناقش ويستعرض الفرص الاستثمارية في الشرق الأوسط وآسيا الوسطى وشمال وشرق إفريقيا، بينما يتمثل المحور الثاني في وضع أرضية لفرص الشراكة عبر سلاسل القيمة المتكاملة في مشاريع التعدين، ومن ثم، وهذا هو المحور الثالث، يتم وضع تصور جديد لقطاع التعدين من خلال تسليط الضوء على الابتكارات التي تدعم أنشطة التعدين في المستقبل. وأخيراً، كمحور رابع، تتم مناقشة الجوانب المتعلقة بمساهمة قطاع التعدين وخدمته للمجتمع من خلال تسليط الضوء على الدور الحيوي لصناعة التعدين في تطوير الاقتصاد الدائري للكربون، وجذب القوى العاملة في المستقبل.

من جانب آخر قال معالي النائب في كلمته أمام حضور معرض ماين إكسبو الدولي: “إنه في إطار رؤية المملكة 2030 وُضعت تصورات وبرامج لتطوير قطاع التعدين ليُصبح الركيزة الثالثة للصناعة السعودية، فضلا عن تطوير استراتيجية تتضمن 40 مبادرة مصممة لإرساء قواعد قطاع تعدين حيوي ومرن ومستدام”، مشيراً إلى أن معظم هذه المبادرات قيد التنفيذ في الوقت الحاضر.

ونوه معاليه بصدور نظام الاستثمار التعديني الجديد وفق أحدث الممارسات الدولية، مشيراً إلى أن اللائحة التنفيذية للنظام ومراجعتها قد اكتمل في عام 2020 من خلال عدد من الخطوات التي شملت الاستعانة ببيوت خبرة دولية ومحلية. كما شملت المراجعة والمواءمة مع مؤسسات القطاعين الحكومي والخاص ذات العلاقة. وبعد ذلك، في مطلع شهر يناير 2021، دخلت اللائحة حيز التنفيذ باعتبارها خطوة جوهرية لتطوير قطاع التعدين. وتطرق إلى إطلاق منصة “تعدين” الإلكترونية التي تتيح للمستثمرين الحاليين والمحتملين معالجة جميع الأعمال، بما في ذلك التقدم للحصول على جميع أنواع رخص التعدين، في بيئة رقمية داعمة.

وأضاف أن النجاحات السابقة التي شهدها القطاع تستند إلى مجموعة متنوعة من المزايا المعدة خصيصًا للمستثمرين المحتملين، مثل، ارتفاع الطلب المحلي على المنتجات المعدنية، والموقع الجغرافي للمملكة بالقرب من الأسواق الاقتصادية العالمية، فضلا عن موقعها الذي يتوسط منطقة الشرق الأوسط، وآسيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا. بالإضافة إلى التقدم الكبير في مجال ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال على قائمة البنك الدولي حيث أصبحت المملكة من بين أفضل 10 دول في العالم تحقق تحسن في درجة ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال؛ فضلاً عن البنية التحتية المتطورة التي تقوم عليها المملكة، بما في ذلك الطرق والسكك الحديدية والموانئ وشبكات الكهرباء.

وعن الطبيعة الجيولوجية للمملكة، قال معاليه إن قيمة المعادن غير المستغلة في منطقة الدرع العربي وحدها، تقدر بنحو 1.3 تريليون دولار. وقال إن المملكة تزخر بمختلف أنواع المعادن بما فيها تلك المستخدمة في تصنيع التقنيات الضرورية لبناء مستقبل مستدام والتي يزداد عليها الطلب بشكل كبير بما فيها النحاس والفوسفات وخام الحديد والعديد من المعادن النادرة، لافتًا إلى أن قاعدة البيانات الجيولوجية الوطنية والتي تم إطلاقها مؤخرا، توفر الوصول عبر الإنترنت إلى ما يعادل حصيلة 80 عامًا من البيانات الجيولوجية والجيوفيزيائية والجيوكيميائية؛ بما في ذلك آلاف التقارير التفصيلية عن أهداف التعدين وآفاقه.  موضحا أنه تم قبل حوالي سنة إطلاق برنامج المسح الجيوفيزيائي الجوي للدرع العربي الذي يغطي مساحة تصل إلى 700 ألف كيلومتر مربع من مساحة المملكة، ويهدف إلى معالجة وتحليل وتفسير البيانات الجيوفيزيائية عالية الدقة للمنطقة بهدف إنتاج خرائط تفصيلية.

وعن الاستدامة في قطاع التعدين، أكد معالي المهندس خالد المديفر على أن الاستدامة تكتسب أهمية قصوى لقطاع التعدين في المملكة، بل هي أحد المبادئ الأساسية لاستراتيجية التعدين وتهدف إلى حماية البيئة والحفاظ على صحة وسلامة العاملين في القطاع. وأشار إلى أن المملكة أطلقت في عام 2019 مجلس الاستدامة لمنظومة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية، بهدف تحقيق التوازن بين القيمة الاقتصادية للتعدين وحماية البيئة.

من جانبه قدم الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات بأفريقيا والشرق الأوسط بشركة باريك للذهب، ويليم جاكوبس، عرضاً عن تجارب العمل في قطاع التعدين بالمملكة قائلا: “إننا نحظى بعلاقة عمل ممتازة مع الحكومة السعودية من خلال التسهيلات التي توفرها المملكة للمستثمرين، فضلا عن أن المملكة تتميز بالفعل ببنية تحتية متطورة، بالإضافة إلى تمتعها بموقع جغرافي جيد لأسواق التصدير من الشرق إلى الغرب.

Saudi Arabia enhances its position on the global stage as a major mining destination, outlining its industry ecosystem, robust infrastructure and partner success stories

H.E. Vice-Minister for Mining Affairs Khalid Al-Mudaifer details the country’s mining transformation to an international audience at MINExpo® International 2021, Las Vegas

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — In an appearance at MINExpo® International 2021, Las Vegas, Khalid Al-Mudaifer, Vice-Minister of Mining Affairs for the Saudi Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, outlined the unique opportunities for investors, explorers, miners and service providers to get into a dynamic sector that is at the heart of the Kingdom’s rapidly evolving industrial economy.

“Saudi Arabia is very much open for business. We have a demonstrable track record of success with our international partners, offering a best-in-class experience benchmarked against global standards,” said Al-Mudaifer. “Additionally, the government continues to support the development of mining through major infrastructure transformation, including roads, rail, ports and electricity networks. Now is the time for international organizations to be part of the mining sector’s exponential growth in the Kingdom.”

As well as hearing directly from the Vice-Minister, attendees were given deeper insight into the experiences of operating in the mining sector, with Willem Jacobs, Chief Operating Officer, Africa and Middle East, Barrick, saying: “We enjoy an excellent working relationship with the Saudi government, and we find the country easy to work in. The biggest challenge for a miner is access to infrastructure. Saudi is blessed with good infrastructure; it has excellent roads, airports, railway, and port structures. The country is well positioned for export markets to the east and west. We find it very easy to reach export markets from where we are.”

The Vice-Minister was joined by Musaed Al-Daood, Deputy Minister for Mining Development, as well as Hall Delano Roosevelt, President & CEO U.S.-Saudi Business Council.

In addition to informing MINExpo attendees of Saudi Arabia’s value proposition as a world-class mining destination, the delegation participated in high-level bilateral meetings with companies interested in doing business and investing in the Kingdom’s mining sector.

Finally, Vice-Minister Al-Mudaifer announced details of the inaugural Future Minerals Summit (FMS), the first-ever event to offer a “one-stop-shop” for investors, miners and other industry stakeholders interested in learning more about the mining potential of the Middle East, Central Asia, and North and East Africa.

Planned for January 11 to 13, 2022, in Riyadh, FMS will welcome attendees from around the world, including governments, investors, and mining majors and corporates. The Summit program is being built around four pillars:

  • Defining a New Mining Hub – Showcasing opportunities across the Middle East, Central Asia, and North and East Africa
  • Lands of Opportunity – Outlining partnership opportunities across integrated value chains
  • Reimagining Mining – Shining a spotlight on innovations that will support mining in the future
  • Mining’s Contribution to Society – Highlighting the industry’s vital role in producing the inputs needed to create a circular carbon future, as well as attracting the workforce of the future

In addition to the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, FMS has been endorsed by the Ministry of Investment, Public Investment Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For more information, visit www.futuremineralssummit.com.

Mining Ecosystem and Infrastructure

Saudi Vision 2030 singled out mining to grow to become the third pillar of the country’s industrial growth, which led to the development of a comprehensive Mining and Mining Industries Development Strategy, which has identified nearly 40 initiatives, most of which already are up and running.

Saudi Arabia’s legal and regulatory framework for mining is being transformed and is now designed to ensure efficient and transparent licensing; simplify doing business; and support a dynamic, sustainable mining industry.

  • Based on global best practice, a completely revised Mining Investment Law was issued late last year, and now supports a clear and transparent process for license applications and approvals
  • The new “Ta-adin” web-based platform offers a single point of access for mining license applications, issuance and information
  • New incentives have been implemented, including the provision of co-funding up to 75 percent of investment, a five-year royalty holiday for miners, discounts on royalties for local downstream production and support for Saudization costs

The Kingdom already has attracted significant amounts of domestic and international investment in mining commodities like gold, phosphate and aluminum.

To a degree, this prior success has been based on a variety of “baked in” advantages for prospective investors, such as:

  • High domestic demand for mineral outputs
  • Geographic placement in a key part of the world and proximity to end-user markets in major geographies, including MENA, Asia and Europe
  • Safety and security, as ranked by the World Economic Forum’s security index
  • Continuous progress in “ease of doing business,” with the World Bank placing Saudi Arabia in the top 10 in terms of an improving business climate
  • Strong infrastructure, including roads, rail, ports and electricity networks, and significant investments in water utilization and infrastructure


The Arabian Shield is estimated to contain $1.3 trillion worth of potential mineral value, across numerous commodities, many of which are critical to the technologies that will drive a sustainable future, and which are in high demand.

The recently launched National Geological Database provides online access to 80 years’ worth of national records of geological, geophysical and geochemical information, including thousands of detailed reports on mining targets and prospects.

Also recently announced, a major Regional Geological Survey Program (supported with government investment of more than half a trillion dollars) is now under way and will conduct geophysical and geochemical surveys and create detailed mapping of nearly 700,000 square kilometers of the Arabian Shield.


The Kingdom has launched the Mining Sector Sustainability Assurance Initiative, which aims to create a sector that is focused on balancing economic value and environmental protection.

The country’s new mining law ensures that sustainable practices are a foremost priority for new mining operators as they apply for licenses.


The Arabian shield is an untapped land of opportunity, with an estimated mineral value of $1.3 trillion of minerals that will power a sustainable future




Saudi Arabia’s legal and regulatory framework for mining ensures efficiency, transparency and promotes ease of business, supporting a sustainable mining industry




The mining sector in KSA offers international partners a best-in-class experience, benchmarked against global standards




Sustainability is central to the KSA mining sector, demonstrated by its principles and sustainability assurance initiative




CCTV+: Exhibition hall serves as important carrier of intangible cultural heritage in China’s Shaanxi Province

BEIJING, Sept. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The exhibition hall for intangible cultural heritage in Suide, a county in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, serves as an important carrier for culture created by ancestors and passed down generation after generation.

The exhibition hall, covering 5,123 square meters, houses three state-level intangible cultural heritage items and eight provincial-level intangible cultural heritage items. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the exhibition hall on 14th Sep.

Stone carving has a history of more than 2,000 years in Suide. The stone carving skill is an art that serves as a root of the people in Suide and by which the people in Suide live. It manifests in the remarkable talents and artistic creativity of the Suide people.

Suimi suona, a part of the folk art — Shaanbei suona, reflects the way of living and culture psychology of people in northern Shaanxi. It has been a part of their life for generations.

Yangko, popular in northern Shaanxi, is a traditional dance that enjoys wide popularity. It is a branch of traditional dance of the Han people. The yangko in northern Shaanxi mirrors honesty and optimism among the people of northern Shaanxi. It has a great historical and cultural value.

To well protect, inherit and make good use of these precious treasures is a shared responsibility, and is of vital importance to the continuity of human civilization and the sustainable development of the world.

The link: https://youtu.be/RYs0O9MGUFY

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYs0O9MGUFY

GWM Debuts Its New Coupe SUV – HAVAL H6S with Many Highlights

BAODING, China, Sept. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On August 27, 2021, GWM first announced HAVAL H6S, the incredible new model, at the global celebration ceremony for the 10th anniversary of HAVAL H6. Then, HAVAL H6S debuted at Chengdu Motor Show two days later.

HAVAL H6S showed up again at the 24th Chengdu Motor Show

As the advanced version of HAVAL H6, which has long been China’s No.1 best-selling SUV, the performance of HAVAL H6S has attracted much attention. Focusing on customers’ new needs, GWM developed the first coupe SUV for the HAVAL H6 series on the basis of the L.E.M.O.N. platform and Coffee Intelligence platform.

Based on HAVAL H6’s technical accumulation over the past ten years and GWM’s “customer-centered” philosophy, HAVAL H6S not only inherits GWM’s innovation in interior and exterior design, but also has been upgraded in the smart cockpit, power performance and control system.

HAVAL H6S is equipped with Coffee Intelligent’s cockpit system GC-OS. With the help of the super-computing power of high-end vehicle-mounted chips, it realizes multi-dimensional breakthroughs in AI, interaction and ecosystem, and brings users a new experience of all-scenario intelligent driving. At the same time, in terms of power performance, it offers a 2.0T gasoline engine and a L.E.M.O.N. DHT system for selection. With the L.E.M.O.N. DHT system, HAVAL H6S can achieve excellent performance of maximum power of 179kW, maximum torque of 530N·m, 100 km acceleration in 7.5 seconds and comprehensive fuel consumption of 4.9L. This marks the brand of HAVAL entering a new era of hybrid power.

In terms of the control system, HAVAL H6S provides seven driving modes, including race track, sport, economical, snow, sand, off-road and standard. This empowers it with the control and driving pleasure of luxury vehicles, and can meet users’ needs under different driving habits and conditions.

Additionally, the HAVAL H6S has many highlights in both interior and exterior design. Its interior is mainly black, including carbon fiber decorative panels and bright yellow stitching, a large suspended screen, multifunctional steering wheel with paddle shifters, shift knobs and other configurations, creating a sufficient sense of technology and movement. These designs can meet the diversified demand of users. For exterior design, HAVAL H6S adopts the design concept of black shark aesthetics. With a shark pectoral fin-shaped front face and shark eye-like LED automatic headlights, these designs create a visual effect as mighty as a shark. The fastback style body and the rear end of a suspended rear wing design also make the SUV look youthful and sporty.

In the future, HAVAL H6S is expected to be sold in various markets worldwide, enriching product lineup of HAVAL in the international market, and providing high-quality and diversified technological travel experience for global users with extreme product strength, intelligence and new energy.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1626269/image.jpg