WeRide Launches the First Self-driving Robobus Test Ride in Saudi Arabia at 2022 Global AI Summit

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — WeRide, a global leading company in autonomous driving, collaborated with the Saudi Company for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) to launch of the first dynamic display route of the driverless robobus (WeRide Mini Robobus) at the 2022 Global AI Summit held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. This is the first fully driverless test ride of robobus in the Middle East country and it will take place from Sep. 19th to 22nd.

WeRide Launches the First Self-driving Robobus Test Ride in Saudi Arabia at 2022 Global AI Summit

Previously, WeRide launched the first driverless public Robotaxi service in the Middle East in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. The launch of the driverless robobus in Riyadh becomes another important milestone in WeRide’s global footprint, attributed to its best-in-class autonomous driving technology and its rich commercial experience in the Middle East.

The Global Artificial Intelligence Summit (GAIS) is a prominent global event organized by the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence (SDAIA). Dr. Yan Li, co-founder, and CTO of WeRide, gave a speech on “Smart Cities,” sharing his insights on how autonomous driving may improve future urban life.

Dr. Yan Li said, “Riyadh is a city full of innovation, and its smart city ecology is rapidly developing. Autonomous driving is an important part of the smart city ecosystem. The launch of WeRide’s robobus in Riyadh is a very exciting exploration for both Riyadh and WeRide. Based on the premise of prioritizing safety, L4 autonomous driving technology not only improves the efficiency and experience of future urban mobility, but also redefines the travel space. We can envision that the smart city will be connected by different scenes and varied autonomous driving products and solutions in the future.”

Since its establishment in 2017, WeRide has offered an all-rounded product mix of Robotaxi, Mini Robobus, Robovan, Robo Street Sweeper, and Advanced Driving Solution across the widest range of use cases, including online ride-hailing, on-demand transport, urban logistics, street cleaning and L2+/L3 solution. WeRide’s cumulative autonomous mileage has reached over 12,000,000 kilometers. It has conducted autonomous driving R&D, testing, as well as trial and commercial operations in 25 cities and five countries around the world.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1901488/WechatIMG1611.jpg

From Years to Just One Month: Huawei Cloud’s Pangu Drug Molecule Model Accelerates New Drug Discovery

BANGKOK, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On September 19, HUAWEI CONNECT 2022 kicked off in Bangkok, Thailand. At the event, Mr. Ken Hu, Rotating and Acting Chairman of Huawei, delivered a keynote titled “Unleash Digital,” where he talked about how the company is helping organizations make the most of cloud for leapfrog development.

Mr. Ken Hu delivering his speech at HUAWEI CONNECT 2022

During his speech, Mr. Ken Hu spoke about how the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School at Xi’an Jiaotong University used AI to expedite pharmaceutical R&D and new drug discovery.

In the pharmaceutical industry, an average of over 1 billion USD and 10 years is needed to put a new drug on the market, from development to approval. While developing antibiotics, it has been noted that resistant bacteria are sometimes discovered even before newly developed antibiotics finish clinical trials.

By using an AI-aided drug design service powered by Huawei Cloud’s Pangu Drug Molecule Model, Professor Liu Bing of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School at Xi’an Jiaotong University and his team developed a new broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug in just one month, and R&D costs were slashed by 70%.

A major challenge in new drug discovery lies in the screening of hundreds of millions of existing drug molecules. Traditionally, drug screening was performed by experts in labs, which was costly, slow, and had a high failure rate.

The Huawei Cloud Pangu Drug Molecule Model has been trained using the data of 1.7 billion drug-life molecules, and can predict the physicochemical properties of drug compounds and score them based on their druglikeness. Researchers can then do targeted experiments to verify drug compounds that have the highest scores.

Moreover, the Pangu Drug Molecule Model’s molecular structure optimizer can be used to optimize the structure of lead compounds, minimizing the potential side effects of the new drugs on normal human cells.

Today, cloud has become an important carrier for digital companies. Huawei Cloud provides four development pipelines, including ModelArts the AI development pipeline, which customers and partners from all industries can access on demand, so they can leave the technical side of digital innovation to Huawei Cloud, and concentrate more on what matters most to them.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1901282/Ken_Hu_HUAWEI.jpg

Huawei Cloud Unveils “Go Cloud, Go Global” Plan to Promote Innovation Ecosystem

BANGKOK, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — HUAWEI CONNECT 2022 kicked off in Bangkok today. Ken Hu, Rotating Chairman of Huawei, delivered a keynote speech, Unleash Digital. Zhang Ping’an, CEO of Huawei Cloud, announced plans to launch new Regions in Indonesia and Ireland, unveiled the “Go Cloud, Go Global” ecosystem plan, and reaffirmed the commitment to Everything as a Service. Jacqueline Shi, President of Huawei Cloud’s Global Marketing and Sales Service, said that Huawei Cloud will launch more than 15 innovations globally, covering cloud native, AI development, data governance, digital content, software development, and MacroVerse aPaaS.

According to Ken Hu, organizations should embrace the cloud for leapfrog development as digital smart tech is the future. Huawei Cloud has integrated more than 240 services and more than 50,000 APIs to bring the latest AI, application development, and big data technologies and development tools to the cloud. The innovation and expertise of Huawei Cloud will help more organizations move to the cloud faster and better.

Huawei Cloud is committed to building one global network, which allows services on Huawei Cloud to be accessed within 50 milliseconds from anywhere on the globe. Enterprises will no longer need to build their own data centers. Huawei Cloud will launch new Regions in Indonesia and Ireland. By the end of this year, Huawei Cloud will have deployed 29 Regions and 75 availability zones (AZs) covering more than 170 countries and regions.

Zhang Ping’an also released the “Go Cloud, Go Global” plan. With a focus on Everything as a Service, Huawei Cloud will share its localized experience acquired in the services for more than 170 countries and regions, as well as insight into businesses and industries in major regions, and contribute its technologies and solutions to a global ecosystem. Such effort will help more enterprises use cloud better and go global more successfully.

Huawei Cloud sticks to the approach of “by local, for local” for building a global digital ecosystem. Over the next three years, Huawei Cloud will provide support for at least 10,000 promising startups around the world, with support including cost optimization, technical support, entrepreneurship training, and other business resources. More than 120 enterprises in Asia Pacific have joined the Huawei Cloud Startup Program.

Huawei is also honing the industry-leading platform for innovations on the cloud. In her speech, Jacqueline Shi introduced 15 innovative Huawei Cloud services, including CCE Turbo, Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service (UCS), Pangu wave model, DataArts LakeFormation, Virtual Live, CodeCheck and CloudTest, KooMessage, KooSearch, and KooGallery.

Looking ahead, Huawei Cloud will continue to enable industries through Infrastructure as a Service, Technology as a Service, and Expertise as a Service, to unleash digital with Everything as a Service and build the cloud foundation for an intelligent world.

Huawei Connect 2022 kicks off in Bangkok to explore unleashing digital productivity

BANGKOK, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — HUAWEI CONNECT 2022, Huawei’s annual flagship event for the global ICT industry, began today in Bangkok. The theme of this year’s event is “Unleash Digital,” gathering over 10,000 ICT industry leaders, experts, and partners from around the world to explore how to more effectively unleash digital productivity, promote the digital economy, and build up stronger digital ecosystems.

At the event, Huawei shared the steps it’s taking to advance digital development across a wide range of industries, and released 15+ innovative cloud services for the global market.

Three initiatives to help all industries go digital

To kick off the event, Ken Hu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman, delivered a keynote outlining three ways the ICT ecosystem can help break through common barriers in digital transformation:

  • Boost digital infrastructure, including more robust connectivity and stronger, more diverse computing resources.
  • Help organizations go beyond simple cloud adoption and truly make the most of cloud, focusing on advanced technology services that drive leapfrog development.
  • Build out local digital ecosystems, including partner development, strengthening the digital talent pool, and providing more support for SMEs.

GDP growth has been unstable over the past two years. However, the digital economy has seen consistent growth on a global scale – more than 15% in 2021. This has prompted many organizations to transform their operations and service offerings with next-generation digital technology.

“Going digital is clearly the right choice,” said Hu. “The demand is there, and so are the technologies. The world is unleashing digital productivity, and it’s happening right now.”

At the event, Huawei reinforced its commitment to open collaboration and shared success. The company called for governments and enterprises to work more closely together to cultivate local digital ecosystems that build up innovation partners, strengthen the talent pool, and support startups.

In his keynote, Simon Lin, the President of Huawei Asia-Pacific Region, released the Digital First Economy whitepaper that delves into targeted policy suggestions for digital infrastructure construction and digital economy development in the Asia-Pacific region.

“The Asia-Pacific region is standing at the forefront of the global digital landscape,” said Lin. “Huawei is committed to becoming a key contributor to the digital economy in the region. We will keep supporting its digitalization and sustainable development efforts, and building out the industry ecosystem.”

The three-day conference in Bangkok is the first stop on HUAWEI CONNECT’s global tour in 2022. Featuring two keynote sessions, six summits, as well as multiple breakout sessions and demos, this year’s event dives into the challenges that governments and enterprises face at all stages of their digital transformation journey, Huawei’s advancements in digital infrastructure, as well as the company’s latest cloud services and ecosystem partner solutions.

‫طيران الهند تكشف عن خطة التحول “فيهان آي”

نيودلهي, 19 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022 /PRNewswire/ — كشفت طيران الهند اليوم عن خطتها التحويلية الشاملة، لترسيخ مكانتها مرة أخرى كشركة طيران عالمية المستوى وذات جوهر هندي – هي الأفضل على الإطلاق في فئتها في خدمة العملاء، من حيث التكنولوجيا والمنتج والموثوقية والضيافة.وتحمل الخطة عنوان “فيهان آي” ‎(Vihaan.AI)، والذي يشير باللغة السنسكريتية إلى فجر حقبة جديدة، وتحدد الخطة أهداف شركة طيران الهند (Air India) على مدى السنوات الخمس المقبلة.

Air India Logo

كجزء من “فيهان آي”، وضعت طيران الهند خارطة طريق مفصلة ذات معالم واضحة تركز على النمو الهائل لشبكتها وأسطولها، وتطوير عرض عملاء تم تجديده بالكامل، وتحسين الموثوقية والأداء في الوقت المحدد، واتخاذ مكانة قيادية في التكنولوجيا والاستدامة والابتكار، مع الاستثمار بقوة وراء أفضل المواهب في الصناعة. وعلى مدى السنوات الخمس المقبلة، ستسعى شركة طيران الهند جاهدة لزيادة حصتها في السوق إلى 30٪ على الأقل في السوق المحلية مع تنمية الخطوط الدولية بشكل كبير من حصة السوق الحالية. وتهدف الخطة إلى وضع طيران الهند على طريق النمو المستدام والربحية والريادة في السوق.

تم تطوير خطة “فيهان آي” بعد إعراب موظفي طيران الهند بكثافة عن تطلعاتهم وآمالهم نحو نمو الشركة. وتركز “فيهان آي” على خمس ركائز أساسية تشمل توفير تجربة عملاء استثنائية، وإنجاز عمليات تتسم بالقوة والفعالية، وامتلاك أفضل المواهب في الصناعة، واحتلال الصدارة في الصناعة، والكفاءة التجارية والربحية. وبينما يظل التركيز المباشر لشركة الطيران على إصلاح الأساسيات والاستعداد للنمو (مرحلة التاكسي التي تتمثل في حركة الطائرات البطيئة على أرض المطار متجهة إلى مدرج الطائرات قبل الإقلاع)، وسيكون التركيز على المدى المتوسط إلى الطويل على البناء من أجل التميز وإنشاء نطاق أعمال يجعلها تتبوء مكانة رائدة في الصناعة على مستوى العالم (مراحل الارتفاع والإقلاع).

وتعليقًا على خطة “فيهان آي”، قال السيد كامبل ويلسون، العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة طيران الهند: “هذه بداية تحول تاريخي لشركة طيران الهند، وفجر حقبة جديدة. إننا نضع الأساس لمسيرة شجاعة لطيران الهند، ويحدونا في هذا شعور متجدد بتحقيق الهدف المرجو ويدفعنا زخم يفوق التصور. إن “فيهان آي” هي خطتنا التحويلية لجعل طيران الهند شركة طيران عالمية المستوى كما كانت من قبل، وهي تستحق أن تعود سيرتها الأولى. ونحن نركز تمامًا على أن ننال التقدير والاعتراف بنا كشركة طيران عالمية من الفئة الأولى تخدم العملاء على مستوى العالم بفخر وبحماس هندي “.

أعلنت شركة طيران الهند مؤخرًا عن أول توسع رئيسي لأسطولها بعد الاستحواذ عليها من قبل مجموعة تاتا في وقت سابق من هذا العام.

الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1874092/Air_India_Logo.jpg