Seegene Continues to Support Israel’s Effort to Manage the Omicron Variant With Timely Delivery of Five Million Tests

Seegene to export COVID-19 test that detects COVID-19 and Omicron along with its Master Assay that distinguishes between COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, announced today that it has delivered over five million COVID-19 tests to Israel to help detect and mitigate the spread of the Omicron variant. The company sent 1.7 million diagnostic tests and associated consumables in December 2021, while additional 3.4 million tests are scheduled to be delivered in January.


Like much of the world, Israel started to experience a shortage of COVID-19 tests as Omicron was driving an unprecedented surge in cases. More seriously, the number of flu or ‘flurona’ patients who may be co-infected with flu and COVID-19 seems to increase this winter. Seegene’s prompt delivery of COVID-19 tests is expected to cover approximately 57% of Israel’s total 9 million population and play a crucial role in controlling the potential ‘twindemic’ season.

“We will continue to support countries in need of COVID-19 tests to improve global health,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder, and CEO. “It is apparent that Seegene’s accurate COVID-19 tests screening all COVID 19 variants and syndromic tests with the respiratory essential panel are going to be a key to the global effort of returning to normal. Both tests will also help to manage lives with COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.”

Seegene will send various products to Israel, including its Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay and Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay.

  • Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can quickly determine the spread of the new Omicron variant in real-time with multiplex PCR technology, rapidly identifying positive cases and those variants in a single reaction.
  • Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay can determine the exact cause of respiratory symptoms. A single test can distinguish between Influenza A and B, RSV, and COVID-19.

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About Seegene, Inc.

Seegene, Inc. was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2000 and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and the Middle East. Seegene, Inc. is an in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company that has been turning innovative technologies into products through its pioneering R&D activities. Seegene owns its original patent technology including DPO™ (Dual Priming Oligonucleotide) for multiple target amplification; TOCE™ for multiple target detection in a single channel; MuDT™, the world’s first real-time PCR technology that provides individual Ct values for multiple targets in a single channel for quantitative assays.; and mTOCE™ multiplex mutation detection technology. With these cutting-edge molecular diagnostic (MDx) technologies applied to diagnostic kits and other tools, Seegene has enhanced the sensitivity, specificity, and disease-coverage per a test of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to unprecedented levels by providing accurate high-multiplex PCR products that target and detect genes of multiple pathogens simultaneously per each fluorescence channel. This feature dramatically saves testing time and cost. Seegene continues to set new standards in MDx through cutting-edge innovations.

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Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay approved under Health Canada’s Interim Order

Seegene’s syndromic assay detects COVID-19 and Influenza A/B/RSV infections in a single test.

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostic company, announced it has received approval of its Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay under Health Canada’s Interim Order on January 11.


Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay is a multiplex real-time PCR assay that enables simultaneous amplification and differentiation of respiratory symptoms. In a single test, it can distinguish among Influenza A, B, RSV, and COVID-19. This assay expected to play a crucial role in responding against the potential ‘twindemic’ as the country is forecasting a surge in both flu patients and COVID-19 patients.

To support Canada experiencing surging demand for COVID-19 tests, Seegene delivered 340,000 COVID-19 tests to Canada by a charter flight on January 13.

“Demand for COVID-19 tests is skyrocketing due to the resurgence of confirmed cases,” said Ho Yi, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Seegene. “We are fully prepared to supply enough test kits globally and will continue to be strong global partners in the effort to manage the spread of COVID-19.” This latest approval is expected to be a significant opportunity for the company, as it will allow Seegene to raise its product awareness in surrounding countries of Canada such as Latin America and others.

Visit for more information.

About Seegene, Inc.

Seegene, Inc. was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2000 and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and the Middle East. Seegene, Inc. is an in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company that has been turning innovative technologies into products through its pioneering R&D activities. Seegene owns its original patent technology including DPO™ (Dual Priming Oligonucleotide) for multiple target amplification; TOCE™ for multiple target detection in a single channel; MuDT™, the world’s first real-time PCR technology that provides individual Ct values for multiple targets in a single channel for quantitative assays.; and mTOCE™ multiplex mutation detection technology. With these cutting-edge molecular diagnostic (MDx) technologies applied to diagnostic kits and other tools, Seegene has enhanced the sensitivity, specificity, and disease-coverage per a test of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to unprecedented levels by providing accurate high-multiplex PCR products that target and detect genes of multiple pathogens simultaneously per each fluorescence channel. This feature dramatically saves testing time and cost. Seegene continues to set new standards in MDx through cutting-edge innovations.

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‫”ميسان” و”أركان” يعلنان اندماج أعمالهما في اكبر عملية ضم بالقطاع القانوني في الشرق الاوسط

مدينة الكويت, 17 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 في حدث يمثّل أكبر عملية اندماج لمكاتب المحاماة في القطاع القانوني في الشرق الأوسط طوال العقد المنصرف؛ اعلن كل من شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية (“ميسان”) ومكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية (“أركان”)، وهما من بين أهم مكاتب المحاماة في الكويت، عن دمج أعمالهما اعتبارًا من هذا الشهر ، وسيحمل الكيان الجديد المشترك اسم ميسان للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية.

وسيقدم الإندماج القانوني الكبير قيمة مضافة إلى العملاء، وذلك من خلال منحهم الفائدة التي يقدّمها مكتبا محاماة متخصصان في تقديم كافة الخدمات القانونية المحلية والدولية في مجالات القانون المتعددة عبر فريق متخصص ويمتلك الخبرات في القوانين المحلية والدولية لقرابة الثلاثين عاما وهو ما سينعكس على جودة الاعمال والخدمات المقدمة للعملاء .

وفي هذا السياق، قال رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ميسان والشريك فيها، المحامي وليد التتان: ” يُسعدنا أن نعلن أنه بفضل هذا الاندماج مع مكتب أركان، ومن خلال تكاتف الجهود، سيستفيد موكّلينا من المواهب والموارد المشتركة لمكتبي محاماة رائدين في السوق، ما بدوره سيساهم في توسيع نطاق خدمات شركة ميسان وتعزيز مكانتها كشركة محاماة رائدة في الكويت“.

وأضاف قائلًا: “يكمن سر النجاح في تلبية طلبات الموكّلين المتزايدة بحيث يتعاون المحامين من كل من المكتبين لتتكامل مجالات تخصصهم ورؤيتهم وثقافتهم “.

من جانبه أكد الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي في شركة ميسان بدر ناصر الجيعان ان الاندماج يهدف الى استكمال رؤية ميسان نحو التوسع في تقديم الخدمات القانونية المتعددة داخل وخارج دولة الكويت .

وأضاف الجيعان قائلا : نعمل في ميسان على توفير خدماتنا القانونية في العديد من دول المنطقة الممثلين فيها ونطمح الى زيادتها متى توافرت الفرص المناسبة .

بدوره أكد الشريك الإداري في مكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية المحامي د. حسين العبدالله  ان هذا الاندماج يساعدنا في أركان على تحقيق الاهداف نحو التوسع الخارجي لعملنا من اجل تقديم الخدمات القانونية وفق منظومة عمل رائدة ، خاصة بعد اقرار قانون الشركات المهنية والذي يساهم في تنظيم عمل شركات المحاماة الكويتية ونقلها الى شركات المحاماة الدولية .

ولفت العبدالله إلى ان مثل هذا الاندماج سيعمل على تعزيز حضورنا في دولة الكويت، نظرًا لأن شركة ميسان وأركان تمتلكان قاعدة عملاء عريضة، ما سيمكّننا من استقطاب العديد من العملاء  واكتساب حضور جغرافي أكبر وشبكة أوسع نطاقًا سعيًا لتوسيع قاعدة الخدمات المقدمة لموكّلينا “.

وستواصل شركة ميسان مسيرتها في تقديم خدمات قانونية مميزة لعملائها في عدد من القطاعات القانونية لاسيما عمليات الاندماج والاستحواذ، وأسواق رأس المال، والمشاريع، والشؤون التنظيمية والحكومية، والعملاء من القطاع الخاص، والقضايا والنزاعات.

هذا وسينتقل جميع أعضاء مكتب أركان وموظفيه إلى مركز أعمال شركة ميسان وسيواصلون تقديم نفس الخدمات العالية الجودة التي يعتمد عليها جميع الموكّلين.

نبذة عن شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

تأسست شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في العام 2015، وهي شركة محاماة تسعى إلى التوسع والتميّز من خلال تقديم مشورة قانونية مبتكرة عالية الجودة بفضل فريق من المحامين ذوي الخبرة الواسعة والمتعمقة. ولقد قدمت شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية المشورة للموكّلين عبر مجموعة من القطاعات في ما يتعلق ببعض الصفقات والنزاعات الأكثر أهمية وتعقيدًا في المنطقة.

نبذة عن مكتب أركان

تأسس مكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية في العام 2011 بواسطة مجموعة من المحامين الكويتيين وهو حاليًا واحد من أسرع مكاتب المحاماة نموًا وتوسعًا في الكويت ويعمل في تقديم الخدمات القانونية من استشارات وعقود وتحكيم واعمال المحاماة في كافة التخصصات القانونية واعمال التدريب والدورات والورش القانونية ومتخصص في مجال الاعلام القانوني .

Jetex & Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport to Develop the World’s First Pure Green FBO in Berlin

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jetex, an award-winning global leader in executive aviation, and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport announce the signing of a Joint Venture Agreement whereby both parties will work towards the development of a world-class executive aviation terminal and fixed base operation at Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport (EDON).

Berlin is one of the top ten private aviation markets in Europe with more than 20,000 annual executive jet movements. “FBO Berlin Neuhardenberg” Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to be established in 50-50 joint venture shareholding partnership between Jetex and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport. Jetex investment subject to certain conditions precedent being met by Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport.

Private aviation aircraft operators and owners will benefit from a world-class dedicated FBO that will serve the Berlin, East Germany and Polish border market, offering the highest quality levels of hospitality, service, security and privacy.

The development will include a 1,500 sq.m. private jet terminal, office buildings, flight support and conference center as well as associated ground works and infrastructure. With up to 20 additional parking lots for private jets with associated technical requirements, the FBO will offer maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities, full ground support and equipment for a seamless operation.

Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport offers customers 24-hour fully unrestricted operations and is not slot controlled. Its runway is 2,400 meters by 50 meters, sufficient to accommodate all types of modern private aircraft up to the Airbus A350 type.

Passengers and crew will have access to limousine service to Berlin with transfer times of around one hour, as well as the helicopter shuttle service to and from Berlin and Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt. The 55-room luxury Schloss Neuhardenberg hotel offering luxury accommodation, dining and conference facilities is located five minutes away from the airport.

Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport is also the site of one of Europe’s largest solar farms generating more than 175 megawatts of clean renewable energy, which will be used by Jetex to create the world’s first pure green FBO. The project will help significantly reduce CO2 emissions and air quality impact of general aviation in the Berlin metropolitan area and provide Berlin and the East German market with a environmentally friendly airport of the future.

Commenting on today’s news, Peter Sølbeck, principal shareholder and managing director of Airport Development A/S, said: “Jetex’s involvement is an equally important step in the development of our airport. Since 2007, we as a Danish company have been striving for the civil reuse of this former GDR government airport. The conditions are excellent. The application process for a satellite-supported approach and departure is in full swing. We have very strong political support and very positive support from our regional community including local residents and business owners in and around Neuhardenberg who are fully behind our project. With Jetex, the German capital region can succeed in maintaining and expanding its place as an economic, cultural and recreational region in what is an internationally competitive market. The conditions for business aviation in the Berlin region will radically improve and be elevated to a new, sustainable level. With the open-space photovoltaic plant that we created as project developers in 2012, which is still one of the largest in Europe, aviation will find ideal conditions here in East Brandenburg for the upcoming change in aviation mobility strategywhich is more and more looking at electrification.With our partner Jetex, we will master the upcoming milestones for the necessary approvals and find our place in the overall development of aviation in the capital region of Germany.”

Commenting on the announcement, Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, said: “Jetex is committed to delivering its customers the highest levels of service and a seamless experience. A major factor in our success is the ability to grow our FBO network in key international gateways with significant private aviation demand. As the capital of Germany and a major commercial and cultural centre, Berlin is a destination we have longed to get presence in. Neuhardenberg is an excellent airport for our first FBO in Germany that offers the space required to develop a world-class private jet terminal and FBO operation. Today, more than ever before, we focus on sustainability and minimizing our carbon footprint. Jetex has been offering a number of environmental solutions and developing the world’s first pure green FBO, which will also include the latest innovations in ecodesign, is a significant milestone. I would like to thank the owners of Neuhardenberg Airport and their commercial team for the support they have given us to date and we look forward to working closely together under the new joint venture partnership.”

For Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport, Chairman of the Board and Co Owner Dieter Vornhagen said: “We have long identified Jetex as the perfect partner for the development of our FBO. It is a company that is gaining increasing presence in the global FBO business and one that is renowned as offering the world’s business aviation community, standards of service and excellence that far exceed many in the sector. Our joint venture, when developed, will see the creation of over 50 jobs at Neuhardenberg and provide operators and owners of business jets with not just a world-class FBO for Berlin, but also a flagship development within the Jetex global FBO network. We are now eager to get started on terminal design concepts and engage with partners and stakeholders to help progress the project to an operational stage and create a unique environmentally sustainable business aviation airport for the Berlin-east German market.”

Following the signing of the agreement, Jetex and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport commence works on terminal design and infrastructure planning. Further announcements will be made with regards to the expected opening date.

About Jetex:

An award-winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best-in-class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Oleg Kafarov - Director of Portfolio Development & Corporate Communications
+971 4 212 4900

Eastman to invest up to $1 billion to accelerate circular economy through building world’s largest molecular plastics recycling facility in France

PARIS, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — This morning, French President Emmanuel Macron and Eastman (NYSE:EMN) Board Chair and CEO Mark Costa will jointly announce Eastman’s plan to invest up to $1 billion in a material-to-material molecular recycling facility in France. This facility would use Eastman’s polyester renewal technology to recycle up to 160,000 metric tonnes annually of hard-to-recycle plastic waste that is currently being incinerated.

"The investment in France is a significant step forward in Eastman’s strategy to accelerate a circular economy globally. Eastman is proud to partner with the French government to actively contribute to France’s and the EU’s bold commitments,” Eastman Board Chair and CEO Mark Costa said.

The investment would recycle enough plastic waste annually to fill Stade de France national football stadium 2.5 times, while also creating virgin-quality material with a significantly lower carbon footprint. Eastman is the largest investor at this year’s “Choose France” event, which is focused on attracting foreign investment to France.

This multi-phase project includes units that would prepare mixed plastic waste for processing, a methanolysis unit to depolymerize the waste, and polymer lines to create a variety of first-quality materials for specialty, packaging, and textile applications. Eastman also plans to establish an innovation center for molecular recycling that would enable France to sustain a leadership role in the circular economy. This innovation center would advance alternative recycling methods and applications to curb plastic waste incineration and leave fossil feedstock in the ground. The plant and innovation center would be expected to be operational by 2025, creating employment for approximately 350 people and leading to an additional 1,500 indirect jobs in recycling, energy and infrastructure.

On Nov. 10, 2021 Eastman and Procter & Gamble announced that Herbal Essences will be the first P&G brand to use Eastman Renew molecular-recycled plastic in its packaging.

A circular economy is key to addressing the global plastic waste crisis and the climate crisis, which have both been at the center of attention in France and throughout Europe. This long-term partnership between France and Eastman will contribute to the EU achieving its sustainability goals, by reducing carbon emissions and enabling a circular economy. France has demonstrated tremendous leadership by recognizing the vital role of molecular recycling and supporting investments in innovation.

On June 1, 2021, Eastman announced its collaboration with LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics, a division of luxury powerhouse LVMH, to develop packaging made possible through Eastman's molecular recycling technologies for the Dior Addict Lip Maximizer, the first luxury product featuring Eastman Cristal Renew.

Eastman’s project has also garnered support from an impressive roster of global brands who share its commitment to solving the world’s plastic waste problem and view molecular recycling as a pivotal tool for achieving circularity. LVMH Beauty, The Estée Lauder Companies, Clarins, Procter & Gamble, L’Oréal and Danone are leading the way by signing letters of intent for multiyear supply agreements from this facility.

Eastman’s proven polyester renewal technology provides true circularity for hard-to-recycle plastic waste that remains in a linear economy today. This material is typically incinerated because it either cannot be mechanically recycled or must be downcycled with existing technology. This hard-to-recycle waste is broken down into its molecular building blocks and then reassembled to become first-quality material without any compromise in performance. Eastman’s polyester renewal technology enables the potentially infinite value of materials by keeping them in production, lifecycle after lifecycle. With the technology’s inherent efficiencies and the renewable energy sources available in France, materials can be produced with greenhouse gas emissions up to 80% less than traditional methods.

Eastman to invest up to $1 billion to accelerate circular economy through building world’s largest molecular plastics recycling facility in France.

“Accelerating the transition to a circular economy is one of the main challenges in the years to come. Eastman’s substantial investment in France demonstrates our country’s willingness to embrace innovative technologies that will help us achieve our ecological and economic ambitions, by revolutionizing our country’s plastics recycling capacities,” said Barbara Pompili, French Minister for Ecological Transition. “France has always been at the forefront of this journey, and together with Eastman, is giving itself the means to achieve its ambitious plastics recycling targets set for 2025. We are very excited to welcome a company that has a 100-year history of innovation at a global scale and more than 30 years of molecular recycling experience.”

Eastman’s proven polyester renewal technology provides true circularity for hard-to-recycle plastic waste that remains in a linear economy today. This hard-to-recycle waste is broken down into its molecular building blocks and then reassembled to become first-quality material without any compromise in performance. Eastman’s polyester renewal technology enables the potentially infinite value of materials by keeping them in production, lifecycle after lifecycle.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French Delegate Minister for Industry stated, “Eastman’s world-scale project will allow France to position itself as a European leader in new technologies for recycling and recovering plastic waste. This investment is the result of the ambitious approach to industrial reconquest led by the Government since 2017, which has enabled France to become the most attractive country in Europe from 2018 onward for industrial projects. With this project, which is an important step for our sovereignty, we are giving ourselves the means to achieve our ambitions in terms of ecological transition while creating sustainable jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure and energy. We look forward to developing this relationship with Eastman.”

“The investment in France is a significant step forward in Eastman’s strategy to accelerate a circular economy globally. Eastman is proud to partner with the French government to actively contribute to France’s and the EU’s bold commitments,” Costa said. “France has demonstrated their commitment toward a sustainable future and Eastman has set similar, ambitious carbon and circular economy goals. The announcement today has been made possible thanks to the support of President Macron, the French government and its agency Business France, who have worked with impressive urgency to enable and incentivize this large and complex project. We look forward to working together for the long term and offer necessary innovations to recycle plastic waste and protect our planet for future generations.

“The plan to build the world’s largest plastics recycling facility in France is an important part of our overall circular economy strategy,” Costa added. “Today’s announcement is a key milestone towards our commitment, and we expect to achieve additional milestones in the coming months, including agreements related to securing the plastic waste that will be raw material supply, securing government incentives, and the site location decision.”

About Eastman: Founded in 1920, Eastman is a global specialty materials company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. With the purpose of enhancing the quality of life in a material way, Eastman works with customers to deliver innovative products and solutions while maintaining a commitment to safety and sustainability. The company’s innovation-driven growth model takes advantage of world-class technology platforms, deep customer engagement, and differentiated application development to grow its leading positions in attractive end-markets such as transportation, building and construction, and consumables. As a globally inclusive and diverse company, Eastman employs approximately 14,000 people around the world and serves customers in more than 100 countries. The company has revenues of approximately $10 billion and is headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA. For more information, visit

Greg Riddle, Eastman
+1 212-835-1620

European Media:
Jean-Christophe Adler, APC – Affaires Publiques Consultants
+33 6 03 24 77 24

U.S. Media:
Brad Lifford, Eastman
+1 423-229-6543

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