Amorepacific sets five sustainability management goals for 2030

The ‘2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise’ includes five goals set under two guiding pillars,
‘moving forward together with customers and society’ and ‘coexisting responsibly with nature’

SEOUL, South Korea, June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Amorepacific today announced ‘2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise’ – a set of sustainability management goals it aims to achieve by 2030. A total of five goals under two guiding pillars, which are ‘moving forward together with customers and society’ and ‘coexisting responsibly with nature,’ are the company’s latest commitment towards creating meaningful growth.

Amorepacific Global HQ Located in Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea

The first two goals of ‘2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise’ aim to promote sustainable consumption for customers and create a more inclusive society:

  • Instill the values of environmental-friendliness or social inclusion in all of its new products, and carry out brand activities that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. Amorepacific will be reducing the ‘environmental footprint’ of all new products, seeking technological innovations in ‘Green Chemistry’, and conducting brand campaigns that promote responsible consumption.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion across all our global workplaces and beyond, while seeking harmonious growth with all our stakeholders. In addition to providing awareness improvement training for all employees on diversity and inclusion, incorporating these values in developing beauty products and campaigns, Amorepacific will invest KRW 100 billion to support the financial independence of socially vulnerable groups and empower citizens to lead healthier, more sustainable lives.

The following three goals of ‘2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise’ is the company’s effort to tackle global climate change, fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature:

  • Achieve carbon neutrality and zero-waste-to-landfill across our production sites worldwide. To fulfill this goal, Amorepacific will use 100% renewable energy at all production sites globally and convert all distribution vehicles used in Korea to eco-friendly vehicles.
  • Reduce the use of plastics in product packaging and create 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic packaging materials. Amorepacific targets to use recycled or bio-based plastics for 30% of all plastic packing and provide more refillable products and services.
  • Invest KRW 10 billion into biodiversity conservation efforts and increase the use of RSPO-certified palm oil to 90% or more by 2023. Amorepacific will support biodiversity conservation efforts and adopt advanced technologies to help combat climate change. The company also has plans to support palm oil farmer in partnership with NGOs and existing supply chain partners.

Jeonghwa OH, Senior Vice President of Sustainability Management Division at Amorepacific, said, “2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise is our latest commitment as a responsible corporate citizen. With deep empathy toward our customers, society, and nature, Amorepacific will continue to collaborate with every member of our corporate ecosystem to create a positive impact on the world.”

Since declaring its ‘Total Commitment Initiative’ in 1993, Amorepacific has continued to carry out various sustainability management activities based on its calling to ‘create A MORE beautiful world.’ The company began publishing annual Sustainability Reports in 2009, and in 2017 committed to taking part in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About Amorepacific

Since 1945, Amorepacific has had a single, clear mission: to present its unique perception of beauty– namely what it calls ‘Asian Beauty’ – to the world. As Korea’s leading beauty company, Amorepacific draws from its deep understanding of both nature and human to pursue harmony between inner and outer beauty. With its portfolio of over 20 cosmetics, personal care, and health care brands, Amorepacific is devoted to meeting the various lifestyles and needs of global consumers around the world: Asia, North America, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East. Amorepacific’s research hubs located around the world are dedicated to sustainable R&D that combine the best of natural Asian ingredients and advanced bio-technology. With its world-class products, Amorepacific is acclaimed for the innovative ways in which it is transforming global beauty trends.

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‫استمرار آركتك في التصنيف الرابع بين أكبر موردي أنظمة التتبع الشمسية عالميًا خلال 2020

شنغهاي – الصين، 02 يونيو 2021 /وكالة أنباء بي آر إن نيوزوير/ — استمر تصنيف شركة آركتك، رائدة تصنيع وتوريد أجهزة التتبع الشمسية وهياكل تثبيت الألواح الشمسية ثابتة الميل وأنظمة خلايا الطاقة الشمسية المتكاملة المستخدمة في البناء، في المركز الرابع عالميًا خلال عام 2020، بواقع حصة سوقية بلغت 8%، وذلك طبقًا لأحدث بيانات مجمعة وود ماكينزي العالمية لأبحاث واستشارات الطاقة. يعكس هذا التصنيف اعترافًا بتميز الشركة بمنتجاتها المتقدمة من أجهزة التتبع الشمسية أحادية وثنائية الألواح، بالإضافة إلى خدماتها عالية الجودة.

Source: Wood Mackenzie Power& Renewables

ويوضح تقرير صدر حديثًا عن مجموعة وود ماكينزي استمرار آركتك في التمتع بزخم قوي في السوق الصينية والهندية ومنطقة المحيط الهادئ والشرق الأوسط خلال عام 2020، كما يوضح أيضًا نجاح توسع الشركة في أسواق أمريكا اللاتينية وأمريكا الشمالية.

وطبقًا لتقرير وود ماكينزي، تصدرت آركتك التصنيف بمنطقة المحيط الهادئ بحصة سوقية بلغت 35%، وذلك بفضل انفرادها بالريادة في سوق الطاقة الشمسية بالهند. ظلت الشركة أكبر مورد لأنظمة التتبع الشمسية في المنطقة على مدار ثلاثة أعوام متتالية.

ورغم تعطل الأنشطة الاقتصادية بالهند بسبب الجائحة، فقد نجحت آركتك في إبرام صفقة مع واحدة من كبرى شركات التطوير الهندية لتوريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine بقدرة إنتاجية  1.7 جيجاواط، لتوفير الطاقة اللازمة لمشروعين بولاية راجستان. وعلى الأخص، تُعد محطة الطاقة الشمسية AEML بقدرة 860 ميجاواط أكبر مشروعات توليد الطاقة بالهند باستخدام الألواح الشمسية ثنائية الوجه إلى جانب تقنية التتبع الشمسي.

وفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط، أصبحت آركتك ثاني أكبر موردي أجهزة التتبع الشمسية بعدما استحواذها على حصة سوقية بلغت 33%، بواقع زيادة ملحوظة نسبتها 25% مقارنة بعام 2019، وذلك حسب تقرير مجموعة وود ماكينزي. في العام الماضي، ورَّدت الشركة أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine بقدرة إنتاجية  575 ميجاواط لسد احتياجات أكبر مشروعات محطات الطاقة الشمسية المدعمة بالألواح الشمسية ثنائية الوجه وتقنية التتبع الشمسي بسلطنة عمان.

كما احتلت آركتك المرتبة الأولى للعام الثالث كأكبر موردي أجهزة التتبع الشمسية على مستوى أمريكا اللاتينية، بينما استمرت تصنيفها في المركز الثالث في السوق المكسيكية خلال عام 2020. في حين يستمر زخم مبيعات الشركة من أنظمة التتبع ثنائية الألواح وأنظمة التتبع SkySmart II بمنطقة أمريكا اللاتينية، خاصة في تشيلي وكولومبيا والأرجنتين.

كما يشير التقرير إلى استمرار هيمنة الشركة على قطاع توريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسية بالصين بلا منافس، بعد استحواذها على حصة سوقية بلغت 46% خلال العام ذاته.  تولت الشركة توريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine لتشييد محطة طاقة شمسية بقدرة 3.2 جيجاواط، والتي تُعد أكبر محطات الطاقة الشمسية بمقاطعة تشينغهاي. بخلاف بعض منافسيها ممن يعتمدون على مصادر خارجية في التصنيع، تجمع آركتك بين القدرة على تصميم المنتجات وتطويرها وتصنيعها داخليًا، مما يعطيها ميزة تنافسية تضمن تحقيق عملية إنتاج وضبط جودة وتوريد بتكاليف قابلة للتحكم.

ويذكر جاي رونج، رئيس قسم الأعمال العالمية، أنه “رغم استمرار تنامي سوق الطاقة الشمسية خلال 2020، ما زلنا نتأثر بتداعيات الجائحة. ويعكس استمرار آركتك في احتلالها المركز الرابع بين أكبر موردي أنظمة التتبع الشمسية في العالم أسباب مبادراتنا العالمية، كما يؤكد على تنافسية منتجات آركتك من أنظمة التتبع الشمسية في السوق العالمي. يعكس التصنيف أيضًا ما نتمتع به من ثقافة الابتكار والريادة الفنية، كما يُعد ثمرة التزامنا بنهج يركز على احتياجات العملاء في المقام الأول. رغم ذلك، ما زال الطريق أمامنا طويلًا.” بخطى ثابتة، سنمضي قُدُمًا في تطبيق استراتيجيتنا العالمية والاستمرار في اكتساب نقاط قوة تنافسية جديدة على مستوى المواهب وسلاسل التوريد والتميز السلعي وشبكات الخدمة وغيرها. وبالاستمرار في دفع حدود إمكانياتها، تتطلع آركتك إلى البناء على نجاحها الحالي خلال عام 2021.”

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UAE announces 2,154 new COVID-19 cases, 2,110 recoveries, 2 deaths in last 24 hours

ABU DHABI, The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced that it conducted 218,977 additional COVID-19 tests over the past 24 hours, using state-of-the-art medical testing equipment.

In a statement, the Ministry stressed its aim to continue expanding the scope of testing nationwide to facilitate the early detection of coronavirus cases and carry out the necessary treatment. As part of its intensified testing campaign, MoHAP announced 2,154 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of recorded cases in the UAE to 574,958.

According to the Ministry, the infected individuals are from various nationalities, are in a stable condition, and receiving the necessary care.

MoHAP also announced 2 deaths due to COVID-19 complications, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 1,686.

The Ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and wished COVID-19 patients a speedy and full recovery. It called on all members of the society to cooperate with health authorities, adhere to the instructions and physical distance to ensure the health and safety of all.

MoHAP also noted that an additional 2,110 individuals had fully recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total number of recoveries to 554,589.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Abu Dhabi Department of Health recommends boosting vitamin D levels to prevent Covid-19 complications

Abu Dhabi, The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) encourages the community to boost their vitamin D levels as a preventive tool against Covid-19 infection and to ensure community immunity.

This latest update from DoH is based on findings from a local study that has demonstrated a strong association between vitamin D levels and Covid-19 severity and mortality among a sample of affected people in the UAE.

The newly published study, conducted by Dr. Habiba Al Safar, an Emirati research scholar, and Dr. Fatme Al Anouti, Associate Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at Zayed University, has been approved by Abu Dhabi Health Research Ethics Committee – Abu Dhabi.

Several international studies have documented the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and severity of viral infections, such as influenza. In addition to this, there is mounting evidence from global studies that indicates that lower vitamin D levels are commonly associated with risk of acquiring, and dying from, Covid-19 among hospitalised patients.

The local study led by Dr. Al Safar and Dr. Al Anouti examined samples of 522 UAE residents, aged 18 years and older, that tested positive for Covid-19. The study found that 59% of patients who had vitamin D deficiency and severe vitamin D deficiency, suffered from severe symptoms of Covid-19 infection. Patients who had severe infection were older and more obese than others in the study. This finding is in accordance with earlier studies that have identified age, obesity and vitamin D deficiency as well-established factors for Covid-19 infection. The study therefore concludes that vitamin D has a protective effect against Covid-19 infection.

Dr. Asma Ibrahim Al Mannaei, Executive Director Research & Innovation, from Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, commented, “This local study by Emirati research scholar Dr. Habiba Al Safar and Dr. Fatme Al Anouti, Zayed University Professor, presents promising results to better understand the protective effect of vitamin D against Covid-19, both as a preventive tool against infection but also may play a role in boosting the immunity of patients during infection. The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi is calling on the community to take note of the importance of vitamin D supplementation. Such preventive measure, in addition to vaccinations, will be important in maintaining the health and safety of our society.”

Al Mannaei added, “In addition to our ongoing efforts in combatting Covid-19, scientific research remains a top priority for Abu Dhabi to enable easy and quick access to information, improve public education and ensure better capacity to deal with all of the challenges at hand.”

Dr Habiba Al Safar is an Associate Professor at the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, an Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of the Khalifa University Center for Biotechnology.

Dr. Fatme Al Anouti, Associate Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, Department of Public Health and Nutrition at Zayed University.

Source: Emirates News Agency

98,545 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered during past 24 hours: MoHAP

ABU DHABI, The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has announced that 98,545 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were given in the past 24 hours.

The total number of doses provided up to today stands at 13,066,261 with a rate of vaccine distribution of 132.11 doses per 100 people.

This is in line with the Ministry’s plan to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to all members of society and efforts to reach acquired immunity resulting from the vaccination, which will help reduce the number of cases and control the COVID-19 virus.

Source: Emirates News Agency