EU adopts new law to modernise judicial cooperation on terrorism cases


The EU Council of Ministers Monday gave its final green light on a new EU law that will boost the digital information exchange in terrorism cases between EU national authorities and (European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation,) Eurojust The new law offers more efficient exchange on investigations and the prosecution of terrorist offences and EU member state authorities and EU agencies will all have access to the most complete and updated information on terrorism cases, said an EU statement.

To date, EU member states share information with Eurojust on cases related to terrorism via different, sometimes unsecure, channels. Furthermore, the current judicial counter-terrorism register does not allow for proper cross-checking of information.

“The adoption of this law represents a qualitative leap in terms of information sharing between the member states and Eurojust and will allow for significant progress in the prosecution of terrorism offences,” commneted Pilar Llop, Spain’s acting minister for justice whose country holds the current EU Presidency.

Source: Kuwait News Agency