Industry Deputy Minister and Economic Corporation Director review arrangements for restarting spinning mill


Industry and Trade Deputy Minister, Ahmed Muhammad Al-Shutari, and the Director of the Yemeni Economic Corporation, Brigadier General Ali Hamid, were briefed today on the final arrangements for restarting the spinning and weaving factory.

Al-Shutari , Hamid, and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Dhaifallah Shamlan, listened to an explanation from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Organization for Spinning and Weaving Industry, Abdul-Ilah Shaiban, about the stages of rehabilitation and maintenance of equipment to restart the spinning department as a first stage to restart all sections of the factory.

During the visit, Al-Shutari praised the efforts exerted by the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the General Organization for Spinning and Weaving Industry and the technical staff in the factory to restart the spinning department.

He stressed that the ministry will provide all support and assistance to the institution in order to operate all sections of the factory and restore its leading role in the manufacture of clothing and fabrics. He pointed to the ministry’s keenness to support local productive industries, especially those that depend on local raw materials.

While Shamlan indicated that completing the arrangements to restart the spinning section of the factory is an encouraging step in the context of the efforts made to advance the factory, stressing the importance of supporting industries based on local agricultural materials.

Source: Yemen News Agency