Jordan, Netherlands Discuss Bilateral Relations, Regional Stability


Amman: Senate President Faisal Fayez engaged in discussions on Monday with Dutch Ambassador Harry Verweij on bilateral relations, emphasizing the importance of leveraging these ties to advance mutual interests and addressing the prevailing regional dynamics.

Fayez articulated Jordan’s stance concerning the ongoing regional situation, particularly in relation to the Palestinian cause. He urged the international community to rally behind the efforts led by His Majesty King Abdullah II to halt the horrifying Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, while advocating for the facilitation of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Highlighting His Majesty’s relentless endeavors for a just and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian issue, Fayez reiterated Jordan’s steadfast commitment to international legitimacy resolutions and the two-state solution. He emphasized the imperative of safeguarding the Palestinian people from the ethnic cleansing and genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupatio
n, underscoring that Israel’s continual flouting of international law and humanitarian norms is untenable.

The Dutch Ambassador underscored the significance of the partnership between the Netherlands and Jordan in fostering regional peace and stability, emphasizing the need to bolster and expand cooperation across various domains.

Verweij lauded His Majesty’s significant efforts aimed at fostering security and stability in the region, resolving conflicts through political dialogue, and seeking a just solution to the Palestinian predicament within the framework of international resolutions and the two-state paradigm.

He also highlighted the diverse avenues of collaboration between the Netherlands and Jordan, expressing his country’s unwavering commitment to enhancing bilateral relations in a manner that serves the mutual interests of both nations and their people.

Source: Jordan News Agency