The Finance and Budget Committee, led by MP Ibrahim Kanaan, on Thursday addressed the issue of unpaid salaries for Civil Defense volunteers. After the session, Kanaan stated that the committee recommended an emergency loan from the budget to cover the arrears, pending the classification of the volunteers according to the law. He emphasized the need for swift action to prepare the necessary grids for payment, highlighting the importance of ongoing parliamentary oversight.

During the meeting, it was noted that some volunteers had not received their salaries for over 8 months. Kanaan emphasized the importance of finding a solution, stating that “there is no work without pay” and highlighting the sacrifices made by these individuals.

After discussions with the Civil Service Council and the Ministries of Finance and Interior, the committee recommended an emergency loan from the budget to cover the arrears. This recommendation was based on Article 104 of the Public Accounting Law.

In turn, Kanaan stressed the ne
ed for swift action to prepare the necessary grids for payment. He also emphasized the importance of ongoing parliamentary oversight, stating that legislation alone is not enough to solve problems and that official and governmental bodies must fulfill their duties to secure the interests of the people.

The committee’s recommendation was approved unanimously, and it is hoped that the issue will be resolved promptly to alleviate the financial burden on volunteers.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon