Xi Jinping Takes Inspiration from Classic Text in Call for Greater Harmony between Humans, Nature

BEIJING, May 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A report from CCTV+:

Chinese President Xi Jinping has on many occasions stressed the need for greater efforts to protect the ecological environment, with Xi taking his inspiration from classic works and looking to promote the shift towards a greener, low-carbon lifestyle to ensure harmony between humans and nature.

Xi quoted from the ancient Chinese classical text ‘Zi Zhi Tong Jian’, or ‘Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance’, first published almost a millennium ago, in a speech delivered at the opening of the Beijing Horticultural Expo back in April 2019.

During this speech, Xi acknowledged that: “industrialization, while generating unprecedented material wealth, has incurred serious damage to Mother Nature.”

These remarks came against the backdrop of growing concern over the effects of climate change, as well as worries that fossil fuels could soon run out if humans continue to burn at the current rate, while key resources such as land, water and energy are all becoming more limited.

“‘Well-measured use of natural resources’ is the key to ecological conservation,” Xi told the expo.

“We need to promote a simpler, greener, and low-carbon lifestyle, oppose excessiveness and wastefulness, and foster a culture of living green and healthy,” the president said.

“Looking up at night, we are awed by the many stars in the sky. Planet Earth is the only home for mankind. We must protect this planet like our own eyes, and cherish nature the way we cherish life,” Xi said.

China’s latest five-year plan also paves the way for its promise of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. The 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) vows to lower energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 13.5 percent and 18 percent, respectively, during the next five-year period.

In the past 10 years, China has ranked first globally in terms of the increase in forest resources, with its afforestation area exceeding 70 million hectares. Meanwhile, 90 percent of terrestrial ecosystem types and 85 percent of key wild animal populations are under effective state protection. China has also pledged to increase the forest stock volume by six billion cubic meters by 2030 from the 2005 level and bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pbnX22aokU

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1506022/video.mp4

CGTN: How does Xi Jinping express gratitude and love to his mother?

BEIJING, May 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As International Mother’s Day, an important occasion that falls on the second Sunday of May every year, will be celebrated on May 9 this year, the media started reporting moving stories about mothers and children.

Among the stories, Xi Jinping’s stands out as he is not only a son but also the president of China.

How does the president express gratitude and love to his mother? Xi’s way can be figured out when he stressed the importance of family bonds and family love and emphasized family education on many occasions.

Xi Jinping and his mother Qi Xin

Pass down family tradition

When President Xi delivered his first New Year address in 2013, photos placed on his bookshelves caught the online community’s attention, especially the image of him walking hand in hand with his mother.

Xi is a filial son. He chats with his mother Qi Xin, and takes a walk with her whenever he has time.

While meeting with representatives to the first National Conference of Model Families in December 2016, Xi told a story about family education. The conference was the first of its kind to honor model families selected nationwide. A total of 300 model families were honored.

“When I was a child, my mother gave me a picture-story book series-’The Legend of Yue Fei.’ One of its more than 10 volumes shows Yue Fei’s mother tattooing four characters saying ‘serve the country with the utmost loyalty’ across his back,” Xi said, adding that the story of Yue Fei, a well-known ancient military figure fighting against invasion, deeply impressed him.


Qi led a simple life, which became a tradition for the family. No matter how painstaking to take care of the family while working, she never compromised her work. Her lifestyle and the family atmosphere guided Xi’s values.

“A person who failed to be incorruptible and self-disciplined will become a person with no guts. Keep in mind that honesty is a blessing and greed is a curse while establishing a correct view of power, status, and interests,” Qi once wrote in a letter to Xi, reminding him of self-discipline. Xi has incorporated these beliefs into his ideology and governance practices.

Calling corruption the “biggest” risk to the Party’s governance, Xi has stressed there is “no alternative” but to fight corruption against all odds and called for rigorous self-discipline within the Party.

While going after corrupt officials, including both high-ranking “tigers” to lower-level “flies” on the domestic front, Beijing has also carried out such operations as “Sky Net” and “Fox Hunt” to hunt down venal officials who have fled abroad.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1506094/Xi_Jinping_mother_Qi_Xin.jpg

‫ CGTN: خذ بقدر واستخدم بحذر

بكين, 8 مايو / أيار 2021 /PRNewswire/ –كلمات شي جين بينغ، الرئيس الصيني:إن عملية التصنيع، مع توليد ثروة مادية غير مسبوقة، تسببت في أضرار جسيمة للطبيعة الأم.

تعتبر الموارد مثل الأرض والمياه والطاقة محدودة. على سبيل المثال، سينفد الوقود الأحفوري في مئات السنين على أبعد تقدير، إذا واصلنا استهلاكه بالمعدل الحالي، فكيف نتعامل مع هذه التحديات؟ طرح الصينيون سؤالا مماثلا قبل ألف عام عندما احتاج إمبراطور أسرة تانغ الإمبراطورية في القرن الثامن إلى السيطرة على الاستخدام المفرط للأرض. وكان الحل هو استخدام الموارد مع القيود والاعتدال.

كلمات شي جين بينغ، الرئيس الصيني

“خذ بقدر واستخدم بحذر”. هو جوهر الحضارة الإيكولوجية. نحن بحاجة إلى تعزيز أسلوب حياة أبسط وأكثر مراعاة للبيئة ومنخفض الكربون، ومعارضة الإفراط والهدر، وتعزيز ثقافة العيش الأخضر والصحي.

لقد تمت وراثة فكرة القدماء للاعتدال حتى يومنا هذا، وحصلت هذه الفكرة على معان جديدة. الآن دعونا نقابل لورانس براهم ونلقى نظرة على مصدر هذه الجملة “تشيوي تشي يو دو، يونغ تشي يو جيه” ودلالاتها الحديثة.

اليوم أريد أن أتحدث معك عن اقتباس استخدمه الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ في خطاباته عن التوازن بين الطبيعة والبشر. تم أخذه من كتاب اسمه “تسي تشي تونغ جيان” (مرآة شاملة لمساعدة الحكم).

أعتقد أن هذا الكتاب تم تأليفه في عهد أسرة سونغ (960-1279) ويغطي تاريخ 16 أسرة ملكية وإمبراطورية مختلفة. إنه حقا دليل إرشادي يمكنك أن ترى فيه فلسفة القيادة المبنية على العناصر الثقافية والتقليدية وكيفية قيادة دولة من خلال هذا الكتاب.

والاقتباس نفسه يعني أنه يجب ألا تندفع ضد الطبيعة بشدة. بل عليك استخدام الموارد مع القيود والاعتدال.

هذا هو جوهر الثقافة الصينية، أي “تيان رن خه يي” باللغة الصينية.

الوئام بين الطبيعة والبشرية.

بالضبط. نحن البشرية مجرد قناة بين الأرض والسماء.

إذا فكرنا في السياسات الاقتصادية فقط. هذا نتيجة لذلك: استخدمنا الكثير من الموارد، طلبنا الكثير من الطبيعة. ثم فقدنا أرضنا وبركنا وبحيراتنا.

أعتقد أن ما يحدث الآن على المستوى الوطني في الصين هو أن هناك اعتبارا كاملا لما نحتاج إليه لإعادة التوازن إلى الاقتصاد. وهنا، يمكن أن نرى أنه في ظل بناء الحضارة الإيكولوجية التي أكد الرئيس شي عليها، هناك قدر هائل من الاستثمارات تذهب الآن إلى إعادة ربط الشبكة والتحول من الوقود الأحفوري إلى الطاقة الخضراء خلال وقت قصير جدا. وإنه قرار ضخم ويتحلى بالإرادة السياسية لإعادة التوازن إلى البيئة.

مقارنة بين سياق الكلام الصيني وسياق الكلام الغربي، ما هو الفرق فيما وراء أنظمة التفكير والقيم بين الطبيعة والإنسان؟

أعتقد أن ما نحتاج إلى النظر إليه هو الاختلاف الأساسي بين التفكير الغربي والتفكير الآسيوي حول قضية القيمة هذه. منذ العصور الوسطى تقريبا، اعتمد التفكير الغربي على الازدواجية. وأعتقد أن التفكير الآسيوي يعمل بشكل تقليدي حول مفهوم الين واليانغ. إن الين واليانغ ليسا نقيضين، لأن الأمر يتعلق بالتوازن في نهاية المطاف. وإنه يتعلق بطريقة وسطية بحيث تتطور كل الأشياء حسب قانونها حتى يحقق التوازن مع الطبيعة.

عندما يتعلق الأمر بالسياسة، فإنه لا يزال بحاجة إلى دعم الناس للحكومة بشأن إعادة التوازن بين الاقتصاد والحضارة الإيكولوجية. هل تعتقد أن هذا ممكن؟ هل يوجد هناك توازن بين الاثنين؟

هذا جانب مهم للغاية في سياسة الحضارة الإيكولوجية. أولا وقبل كل شيء، إذا كنا سنذهب إلى عصر جديد من الطاقة الخضراء، من القانون إلى الهندسة وتخطيط المدينة والاستخدام الصناعي حتى إدارة النفايات، كل شيء يحتاج إلى إعادة التفكير من منظور التنمية الخضراء، ويجب أن يدخل ذلك النظام التعليمي. وتم تنفيذ هذا المفهوم بالفعل على مستوى المجتمع السكني، وبالطبع، تم تحسين وعي الناس في هذا الصدد. ولحسن الحظ، تؤمن الحضارة الصينية الممتدة لأكثر من 5000 عام دائما بأن البشر جزء من الطبيعة، ومع هذا الفهم، ليس من الصعب على الجميع التوصل إلى توافق.

شكرا جزيلا لك يا لورانس.

تردد صدى فلسفة ضبط النفس والاعتدال عبر التاريخ الصيني.

كلمات شي جين بينغ، الرئيس الصيني:

عند النظر في السماء ليلا، نرى كثيرا من النجوم اللامعة. ولكن كوكب الأرض هو الموطن الوحيد للبشرية. فيجب أن نحمي هذا الكوكب مثل أعيننا، ونتعامل مع الطبيعة بالطريقة التي نتعامل بها مع الحياة.


فيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKhBGofvl8E

DCD reveals latest achievements of Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024

ABU DHABI, The Department of Community Development (DCD) in Abu Dhabi reviewed the latest developments within the Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024 during a virtual meeting of the strategy’s task force leaders.

Each task force leader is responsible for one of the strategy’s six pillars, which are Education, Employment, Social Care, Accessibility, Health and Rehabilitation, and Enablers.

The DCD’s strategy is in line with its commitment to position Abu Dhabi as an inclusive and empowering city for people of determination, as well as to activate their role in the emirate’s sustainable development process in cooperation with all relevant partners from the government, private and third sectors.

The meeting was held in the presence of Hamad Ali Al Dhaheri, Under-Secretary of the DCD, to focus on the latest developments in each of the six core pillars of the Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024.

Al Dhaheri pointed out that the strategy demonstrates the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to fulfil the aspirations of people of determination, who are an integral part of a cohesive UAE society.

Al Dhaheri said, “We continue to journey towards transformation to become an inclusive society that provides them with an enabling environment where they enjoy equal rights and access to services and opportunities as with all community members at all stages of their lives.”

“We appreciate the efforts of the 28 entities involved in the implementation of the strategy’s various initiatives,” he added.

Showcasing the achievements made by the team working on the Education pillar of the Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024, Manal Al Dossary, Acting Executive Director of Planning and Strategic Affairs Sector, Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), stated that the activities that have been implemented in support of the “Educational Integration Model” such as conducting normative studies were also discussed during the meeting. Other accomplishments included visiting 69 per cent of the private schools in the emirate to learn about their current situation and the challenges facing them; reviewing the local inclusive education policies adopted in Abu Dhabi, and establishing partnerships with relevant training institutions to educate schools about the all-embracing and inclusive education.

Under the Employment pillar, Hamad Saeed Al Shibli, Director of Policy and Institutional Development, Human Resources Authority – Abu Dhabi (HRA), discussed the pillar’s key objectives that include the development of a government policy for employment and the empowerment of people of determination in the government and private sectors. It was revealed that 82 per cent of the policy has been accomplished.

The achievements made within the pillar in 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 included conducting a comprehensive study and an in-depth analysis of the legislation and procedures being implemented in Abu Dhabi; studying the rate of employment of people of determination in government entities for 2020; preparing key benchmarks; reviewing existing policies, and identifying the challenges facing their inclusive employment in the labour market.

As for the “Inclusive Employment” programme, which is the second initiative under the Employment pillar, the working group said the objectives of the programme include the creation of an integrated ecosystem in Abu Dhabi for those looking for employment opportunities and the enforcement of the provisions of the inclusive employment policy. Forty per cent of the required work has been completed.

The team further presented the programme’s latest developments. Among the accomplishments were launching the “Fellows of Determination” awareness-raising initiative to encourage Abu Dhabi Government employees to support their colleagues; making the needed preparations for applying the occupational classification for people of determination; creating a job record for them in the local government; developing an electronic system for job nomination, and crafting an employment guide.

Abdullah Ismail Al Kamali, Executive Director of People of Determination Sector, Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination (ZHO) discussed the achievements of the Social Care group, which resulted in the issuance and approval of the “Disabilities Classification” guide in Abu Dhabi. The initiative has already achieved a 35 per cent accomplishment rate.

The team also developed a detailed work plan for the “People of Determination Services Officer” initiative that aims to appoint officials responsible for their services in concerned government and private entities in the emirate.

Steps were taken to build a database for people of determination, some of which were the successful completion of an electronic linkage with relevant local authorities, the preparation of a data record mechanism, and the management and indexing of their data in cooperation with the Statistics Centre – Abu Dhabi. These efforts have resulted in the 37 per cent completion of the database. This year, the concerned team will further, develop and initiate five key initiatives under the Social Care pillar.

On behalf of the Accessibility work team, Mohammed Hamad bin Fahd Al Muhairi, Executive Director of Transport Sector, Department of Municipalities and Transport, presented the team’s achievements and highlighted the pillar’s six leading initiatives being implemented in partnership with relevant authorities such as the Abu Dhabi Digital Authority, the Abu Dhabi Sports Council, the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Airports, and Abu Dhabi Ports.

A reference was specifically made to the “Access to Buildings, Facilities, Transportation and Housing for People of Determination” initiative, which ensures the ease of access and use of facilities, establishments and services by people of determination.

Among the initiative’s results was the complete update of the technical provisions for private housing standards and protection from fire risks; the collaboration with concerned entities to establish an environmental preparation assessment system, and the development of a form to compare the UAE Universal Design Code with relevant local standards.

The “Access to Inclusive Sports Programmes” initiative was also highlighted. The initiative seeks to improve the readiness of sports facilities and the skills of coaches to ensure the participation of people of determination, in line with the “Sport for All” principle. The team completed the initial evaluation of 12 sports club facilities in cooperation with the ZHO.

The Health and Rehabilitation pillar, led by Dr. Hamed Al Hashemi, Director of Strategic Affairs, Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH), aims to provide comprehensive and integrated rehabilitative healthcare systems, covering necessary medical care, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

This year, the pillar’s working team will focus on two main initiatives. The first is the development of a unified and integrated health assessment framework. The second initiative is the launch of the “Early Intervention” programme that establishes thorough detection, diagnosis and early intervention systems to help children of determination and those at risk of delayed development. The programme will be implemented by the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority under international best practices.

As for the Enablers pillar, Dr. Bushra Al Mulla, Executive Director of Community Development Sector, discussed the key initiatives under the pillar. One of the initiatives highlighted during the meeting was the establishment of an integrated care system for people of determination and their families in Abu Dhabi to ensure their direct and smooth access to quality and affordable health, rehabilitation, educational and social services. Seventy per cent of the initiative has been accomplished.

Another initiative was the development of a change management plan to accelerate the desired transformation process in the emirate according to the Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024. The pillar’s team has completed 25 per cent of the plan. With an accomplishment rate of 20 per cent, an evaluation and follow-up system has been developed to monitor and measure the strategy’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and its impact on improving the conditions of people of determination.

The DCD also took advanced steps to achieve the objectives of the Enablers pillar under the amendments to the Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 regarding the rights of people of determination. In addition, it monitors the legislative frameworks affecting people of determination in cooperation with concerned authorities.

Source: Emirates News Agency

General Secretariat of Muslim Council of Elders calls on international community to swiftly move to quell tensions in Jerusalem

ABU DHABI, The General Secretariat of the Muslim Council of Elders calls on the international community to swiftly move to quell tensions in Jerusalem following recent violent clashes.

In a statement today, the General Secretariat warns against growing tensions between followers of different religions, which plays into the hands of extremists to promote hatred and extremism.

General Secretary of the Muslim Council of Elders, Dr. Sultan Al Remeithi, said, “The use of violence and hate speech is not only unacceptable but contradicts our continued calls for cooler heads and reason to prevail. It is imperative that all sides adhere to international conventions pertaining to the sanctity of places of worship.”

Source: Emirates News Agency