‫معرض كانتون ال130 يصقل سلاسل التوريد والسلاسل الصناعية العالمية

غوانزو، الصين, 17/أغسطس 2021 /PRNewswire/– الدمج بين الأنشطة الرقمية والشخصية لأول مرة، سيقام معرض كانتون ال130 سواء عبر الإنترنت أو على الأرض خلال 20 يومًا بدءً من 15/أكتوبر وحتى 3/نوفمبر/2021.

من المقرر أن يمثل معرض كانتون ال130 عرضًا متكاملًا للشركات الدولية لاكتشاف  أقسام المعرض ال51 من خلال 16 فئة للمنتجات، إلى جانب “منطقة الإنعاش الريفية” المخصصة، فضلًا عن احتفالات جوائز التصميم السنوية بمعرض كانتون.

أشار تشو شيجيا، نائب الرئيس والأمين العام لمعرض كانتون، والمدير العام لمركز التجارة الخارجية الصيني إلى أن معرض كانتون يهدف إلى تقديم المزيد من المنتجات عالية الجودة التي تلبي احتياجات المجتمع المحلي والدولي، وأضاف تشو أنه منذ نشأته، يتمتع معرض كانتون بمنصة هامة للترويج التجاري من أجل الصين لدعم التغيرات الاقتصادية والتجارية مع البلدان الأخرى، إلى جانب المساهمة في تطوير اقتصاد مفتوح لصالح الصين، والعالم،  إلى جانب المشاركة في بناء مبادرة “حزام واحد طريق واحد” لخلق مستقبل مشترك للبشرية.

Themed “Canton Fair Global Share”, the 130th Canton Fair will open from Oct 15th to Nov 3rd 2021

يوفر شكل المعرض المدمج خيارات متزايدة للمشترين

طبقًا للإدارة العامة للجمارك داخل الصين، زاد إجمالي الصادرات والواردات الصينية بنسبة 24.5% سنويًا ليصل إلى 31.34 تريليون يوان أي ما يعادل (3.3 تريليون دولار أمريكي) من يناير وحتى يوليو من هذا العام. ومع تزايد فرص الأعمال إلى جانب التحديات غير المؤكدة الناتجة عن الوباء، سوف يقدم معرض كانتون ال130-من خلال منصته عبر الإنترنت أو على الأرض- المزيد من الخيارات للمشترين حول العالم مما يصقل سلاسل التوريد  والسلاسل الصناعية العالمية.

سيشمل معرض كانتون ال130 المزيد من المنتجات الجديدة بنسبة 12%  للانضمام إلى العرض الضخم داخل الموقع لما يذيد عن 20.000 عارض محلي وصناعي متميز يمثلون أفضل الصناعات التحويلية المتقدمة الصينية، مما يمكن المشترين من اكتشاف سلسلة التوريد الشاملة داخل الصين.

جيث سيتمكن جميع الموردين من العرض على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع، يستمر المعرض في دعوة المشترين للانضمان لاحتفالاته عبر الإنترنت من خلال البث الحي، وصالات عرض الواقع الافتراضي، وعروض منجات الوسائط المتعددة على الموقع الرسمي، ويمكن للمشترين الانضمام إلى البث المباشر للعارضين داخل الموقع لمعايشة تجربة مؤثرة.

تلبي المنطقة المخصصة الاحتياجات المستهدفة

في السنوات الأخيرة، تعهدت الصين بالتخفيف من حدة الفقر، والقضاء على الفقر المدقع. وفضلًا عن دعم المناطق الفقيرة سابقًا من أجل مستقبل مستدام، تشهد المرحلة الثالثة من النسخة 130 للمعرض  إنطلاق “منطقة الإنعاش الريفية”،  سواء عبر الإنترنت أو على الأرض، لعرض المنتجات المميزة التي تتمتع بخصائص وأنماط  إقليمية قوية.

ويمكن للمشترين اكتشاف العديد من الخيارات التي تتراوح بين الأطعمة العضوية الخضراء والصحية، والملابس المنسوجة يدويًا وحتى المكملات الصحية، مع الانفتاح على الفرص التجارية الحيوية المتاحة في هذه المناطق.

سيقدم المعرض أيضًا تصميم صينيًا فريدًا من خلال احتفالاته السنوية بالجوائز، إلى جانب صالة العرض المادية لمنتجات 2020-2021. يمكن للمشترين أيضًا العثور على هذه المنتجات، والشركات عبر الإنترنت من خلال الوسوم للحصول على تجربة توريد أكث كفاءة.

يرحب معرض كانتون ال130 بالمشترين من الخارج للحضور عبر الإنترنت، ويشجع المشتريين الخارجيين المطابقين للاشتراطات على الحضور على الأرض، وسيوجه الدعوة للشركات ذات التمويل الأجنبي، وممثلي المؤسسات/المنظمات التجارية والصناعية الخارجية في الصين، والفروع الصينية لغرف التجارة الخارجية، ووكلاء المشترين الخارجيين للحضورإلى الفعاليات على الأرض باعتبارهم ممثلي المشترين.

 Please visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en للمزيد من المعلومات

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قصة حب تشيشي: لحظات جميلة للرئيس شي جين بينغ وزوجته السيدة بينج ليوان

بكين, 17 أغسطس/آب 2021 / PRNewswire / — تقرير من سي سي تي في+:

يصادف يوم السبت عيد تشيشي، أو عيد الحب الصيني، وهو اليوم الذي يجتمع فيه الأزواج الصينيون للاحتفال بعلاقتهم وتعزيز الروابط الأسرية.

يضع الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ وزوجته بينج ليوان قدرًا كبيرًا من التقدير لأسرتهما؛ فقد أكد الرئيس شي في مناسبات عديدة على الترابط بين العائلات والدولة، داعيًا الناس إلى قدر أسرهم حق قدرها وتكريس أنفسهم للدولة.

قضى شي وبينغ أكثر من ثلاثة عقود معًا، ودائمًا ما اتسما بالمحبة والاحترام لبعضهما البعض.

قابل الزوجان بعضهما البعض لأول مرة في عام 1986، حينها وقعا في حب بعضهما من النظرة الأولى، وتزوجا في شهر سبتمبر/أيلول التالي.

وأشار وانغ جينشوي، والذي كان زميل الرئيس شي في ذلك الوقت، إلى أنهما لم يقيما حفل زفاف رسمي، بل دعوا بعض الأصدقاء لتناول وجبة خفيفة وحسب.

وكما كان زفافهما بسيطًا، لم يتلاشى حب الزوجين لبعضهما البعض أبدًا. كان كلاهما مشغولاً بالعمل، لكنهما بذلا قصارى جهدهما لتقديم الرعاية والدعم لبعضهما البعض. ولقد صرح الرئيس إلى مضيفه في مقابلة قائلًا: “إنني أتصل بزوجتي مرة في اليوم على الأقل”.

يمكن رؤية حب الرئيس شي واحترامه لزوجته بينغ في العديد من التفاصيل؛ فقد ارتدى الزوجان ملابس مطابقة في مناسبات مختلفة.

في 31 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2020، عندما ألقى شي خطبته بمناسبة العام الجديد من مكتبه، شوهدت صور بينغ وأفراد أسرته على رف المكتبة خلفه.

زار الرئيس شي جين بينغ ليانجياهي في مقاطعة شانشي عشية عيد الربيع في عام 2015، حيث كان يعمل مزارعًا منذ ما يقرب من سبع سنوات. وعرَّف السكان المحليين على بينغ ليوان، قائلًا بلهجتهم المحلية: “هذه زوجتي”.

في 18 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2014، استقل الرئيس شي كاسحة الجليد كزو لونغ، وبعدما دخل من باب المقصورة، استدار لمساعدة زوجته بينغ على الدخول.

في يونيو/حزيران 2015، تشارك الرئيس شي قطعة من كعكة مع زوجته بينغ خلال زيارتهم لعائلة محلية في كوستاريكا.

في سبتمبر/أيلول 2014، استمتع الرئيس شي وزوجته بينغ بوقتهما معًا على أرجوحة في غوجارات بالهند.

ولقد قال الرئيس شي ذات مرة: “يجب ألا ندع حبنا الحقيقي ينقطع بسبب المسافات الطويلة؛ ولا ينبغي أن ننسى الحب الحقيقي في خضم حياتنا المشغولة، أو نهمله أثناء عملنا الجاد ليلًا ونهارًا”.

فيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc6B2zcad7Y

Abu Dhabi Criminal Court convicts 40 defendants, 8 companies of fraud, money laundering, conducting unlicensed economic activities

ABU DHABI, The Abu Dhabi Criminal Court, which is competent to hear crimes of money laundering and tax evasion, has convicted 40 defendants of different nationalities as well as eight companies, on charges of forming a fraudulent organisation and engaging in illegal economic activities.

They prepared and designed a digital platform through which they committed fraud and engaged in money laundering. The defendants have been sentenced to prison terms ranging between 5 and 10 years and have been collectively fined nearly AED860 million. All their assets and proceeds from the crime have been confiscated, and 23 expatriate convicts face deportation.

The convicted companies each have to pay a fine of AED50 million. Each of the 23 main defendants has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined AED10 million, while 11 defendants have received jail terms of seven years and fined AED10 million. One defendant was sentenced to five years in prison and fined AED10 million and five others received a six-month jail term and were fined AED20,000 each, as they were convicted for collecting illegal funds.

According to the details of the case, the security service received information about a new gang formed by a group of people consisting of 17 Emiratis, 16 Iranians, two Indians, one Saudi, one Mauritanian, one American, one Greek and one Comorian, who engaged in fraud, unlicensed economic operations and money laundering.

Investigations revealed that this group had illegally simulated a digital trading platform in the stock market using funds collected from subscribers and shareholders, and conned the victims into believing they were receiving profits ranging between 16 percent and 18 percent of the invested capital per month. In addition, they deceived the victims by providing them with the possibility of manual trading of shares. This was done through companies and natural persons in the country, and then the gang announced the conversion of the victims’ funds into a fake digital currency called Foin, thus not enabling investors to recover their capital.

Upon referring the case to the competent public prosecution of financial crimes in Abu Dhabi, investigations indicated that from 2015 to 2017, the group managed an unlicensed organisation headed in the Middle East region by M. R. A. K., an Iranian national, who utilised complex schemes, such as creating a hierarchical communication structure between his accomplices, allowing each of them to know only the person above them in the hierarchy.

The investigations showed that the accused avoided receiving cheques or money transfers from the victims and instead conducted their operations in cash. They also created groups and teams to organise work, conducted training workshops, and held massive concerts attended by international artists.

Source: Emirates News Agency

AED51 million energy project funded by ADFD inaugurated in the Comoros

ABU DHABI, Major electricity projects valued at AED51 million (US$13.9 million) have been inaugurated by the government of the Comoros. Financed by Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), these projects will supply electricity to more than 12,000 homes and are expected to stimulate the economy of the island nation.

Azali Assoumani, President of the Comoros, attended the inauguration of the projects with Saeed Mohammed Murshid Al Maqbali, UAE’s Ambassador to the Comoros, and several Comorian government officials.

The Fund’s support of the initiatives included the supply and installation of seven generators with a total capacity of 12.5MW. Four of them with a capacity of 2MW each have been installed at the Moroni station on the main island, while Anjouan Island received three with 1.5MW capacity each. The projects, which also covered an extension of transmission and distribution lines on the various islands, was implemented by Al Mostajed Technologies, a UAE national company.

Speaking on the occasion, Mohamed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director-General of ADFD, said, “At Abu Dhabi Fund for Development we work to enhance our strategic relations with the government of the Comoros through cooperation to help the country achieve comprehensive and sustainable socio-economic development.”

Al Suwaidi said that the projects exemplify the strong relations between the UAE and the Comoros, as well the commitment of ADFD as a prime financial entity of the UAE to help the nation achieve its socio-economic goals through sustainable development initiatives.

ADFD has played a pivotal role in the development of vital economic sectors in the Comoros, including education, healthcare, water, aviation and energy, he noted.

Hamidi Msidi, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism in Comoros, thanked the UAE and ADFD for their sustained support to development projects in the Comoros, underlining that the efforts had given the country’s infrastructure a much-needed boost, thereby greatly improving the level and quality of services provided to the people. “It is a matter of great satisfaction and delight for us that the project has benefited more than 75,000 Comorians,” he said.

He added that these projects will also modernise power lines and transmission networks that will bring service reliability for all subscribers to the highest international standards. This modernisation enables the network to meet all subscribers’ needs, delivering electricity to more than 12,000 households on various islands. The projects also contribute to reducing the cost of electricity production and delivery for the general population and commercial sectors.

For his part, the UAE Ambassador, stated, “The UAE and the Comoros enjoy strong relations which have seen great advancement in recent years thanks to directives of the wise leadership of the two countries.”

He pointed out that the UAE has contributed to supporting various development efforts in the Comoros in line with its mission to help brotherly and friendly developing countries achieve prosperity, stability and growth.

He added that the strong, positive relations between ADFD and the government of the Comoros date to 1979. The total amount of concessionary loans provided by ADFD to the country stands at AED436 million to finance sectors such as electricity and water, renewable energy, transport, social services and healthcare.

In line with ADFD’s goal to support UAE companies and create investment opportunities in international markets, Al Mostajed Technologies was appointed to develop and execute these energy sector projects. The UAE-based company is also assisting in building and overseeing a knowledge transfer programme to develop local capacity and expertise to manage ongoing operations and maintenance of the new facilities.

Since its inception in 1971, ADFD has funded development projects in 97 countries, including 39 African nations, with a total value greater than AED150 billion through concessionary loans, government grants and investments. The Fund’s total expenditure in Africa amounts to an estimated AED30 billion. ADFD has also invested in seven companies and two private equity funds to boost a variety of sectors on the African continent.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology launches ‘UAE Quality Infrastructure’ campaign

ABU DHABI, The UAE’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) today launched a new campaign and comprehensive plan to raise awareness of the nation’s quality infrastructure system.

The ‘UAE Quality Infrastructure’ campaign is designed to inform local, regional and international manufacturers and consumers of the indispensable role the UAE’s quality infrastructure system plays in ensuring the highest production standards are met across the industrial sector’s value chain.

Designed to complement the objectives of Operation 300Bn, the National Strategy of Industry and Advanced Technology, the campaign spotlights the efficiencies and productivity of the UAE’s thriving industrial sector, which is underpinned by advanced technologies and quality infrastructure.

Due to its in-built resilience and agility, the UAE’s industrial sector has the capability to rapidly adopt and apply international best practices when it comes to specifications, technical regulations and systems to support the highest standards of production quality.

Omar Suwaina Al Suwaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, said: “The campaign we’ve launched today showcases the UAE’s regional and global experience in developing quality infrastructure and a thriving industrial ecosystem.”

He revealed that there are approximately 26,000 Emirati standards and technical regulations that encompass a range of vital sectors such as health, education, technology, construction, food and agriculture, as well as future industries, information technology (IT), management systems and others, which enhance the competitiveness of the UAE regionally and globally.

He added: “The UAE Quality Infrastructure campaign consolidates the position of Emirati products in key global markets, by highlighting their high-quality and the industrial system that supports their production. It will also help us achieve the main objectives of Operation 300Bn, which seeks to increase the industrial sector’s contribution to national GDP to AED300 billion by 2031.

“It’s another facet of our strategy to transform the industrial sector into a core pillar of our future economy. By putting the right infrastructure in place to foster an innovation-driven industrial ecosystem, we can accelerate the adoption of advanced technologies across the value chain, develop new industrial sectors and catalyze a hub of pioneering research and development.”

The campaign also reflects the role of the specifications and legislation division of MoIAT, whose departments (specifications, technical legislation and metrology) have been integrated to create the requisite legislative and technical environment in the UAE to further enhance its attractive business environment.

The campaign will review the plans and mechanisms applied by MoIAT to enable the industrial sector to achieve continuity in upgrading the quality of its products and services by involving all stakeholders in the development of the quality infrastructure system.

It will encourage innovation programs and the continuous updating of specifications, standards and legislation based on the latest advances in these fields, with the Ministry providing programs to empower industrialists at all levels, while monitoring their commitment to quality, efficiency and standards.

The UAE’s quality infrastructure is based on five main pillars: metrology which ensures the conformity of products to the highest technical specifications; legislations to keep pace with rapid industrial developments; standards that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of measurement results, which support industry; conformity assessment processes to ensure the quality of products and the availability of safety requirements; and finally accreditation, which ensures that conformity assessment bodies operating in the UAE meet the mandatory requirements issued by regulatory authorities.

With the announcement of the new structure of the UAE government in July 2020, MoIAT became the only federal entity responsible for the tasks and powers of quality infrastructure. Under the new government structure, the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology was integrated into the Ministry, and all the responsibilities that were previously related to the authority were transferred to MoIAT.

The integration allowed a greater ability to support advanced policies for research and development within the industrial sector and to introduce advanced legal and procedural frameworks to serve the objectives of promoting the sector, alongside optimal allocation of resources and capabilities in terms of quality infrastructure towards existing vital industries or targeted future industries.

MoIAT pays special attention to specifications, standards, legislation, conformity assessment and accreditation. Specifications, legislation and standards are organized within an independent “Specifications and Legislation” division, which is keen to review and develop technical legislation, specifications and standards on a permanent basis, taking into account the requirements of the industrial sector and in partnership with it, in addition to ensuring that the best international standards in this field are met.

Source: Emirates News Agency