Huawei’s David Wang: Innovation, Lighting up the 5.5G Era

SHENZHEN, China, July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — At the Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week, David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivered a keynote speech titled “Innovation, Lighting up the 5.5G Era”. In his speech, Wang spoke about the next evolution of 5G technology, which the company has termed, 5.5G, and the industry’s innovation roadmap for the next five to ten years.

 David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivering a keynote speech

David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivering a keynote speech

“Looking ahead to 2025, the sheer diversity and magnitude of network service requirements will create huge new market potential,” said Wang. “We’re here to discuss these opportunities with operators and industry partners, and explore the innovations we need to help pave the way for 5.5G.”

Huawei proposed 5.5G for the first time at the 11th Global Mobile Broadband Forum in 2020, and F5.5G (or fixed 5.5G) at the Global Analyst Summit this April. Since then, the industry has been simmering with new ideas and best practices.

A wealth of new requirements will raise the bar for next-generation ICT infrastructure

According to Wang, new developments in digital technology need to support a truly real-time, engaging, and more immersive experience in the digital world, and gradually make a 10 Gbps network experience available everywhere on the planet.

On the industrial front, digitalization has already entered the fast lane. AI will be fully integrated into enterprise production processes, and the size of the 5.5G IoT market will grow rapidly. Collaboration between robots and people in complex scenarios will impose greater requirements on next-generation industrial field networks.

Currently, bottlenecks in computing, such as memory walls, unbalanced utilization of data center resources, and low energy efficiency, are hindering the rise of new computing demand. To address these challenges, the industry needs to innovate at the architecture and system levels to boost computing supply.

Six features of 5.5G – New value for digital life and development

The first is a 10 Gbps user experience. 5.5G will deliver a 10 Gbps experience through MIMO technology that boasts larger bandwidth, higher spectrum efficiency, and higher-order modulation. With next-generation technologies like FTTR, Wi-Fi 7, 50G PON, and 800G, F5.5G will bring a 10 Gbps experience everywhere.

At the event, Wang proposed Net5.5G for the first time, defining the evolution of IP networks to meet the rising demand for computing power by intelligent applications. “As digitalization takes hold, intelligent applications will see large-scale commercialization and computing resources will be located across multiple clouds,” said Wang. “Enterprises need to make use of computing power from multiple clouds at lower costs, with greater agility and flexibility. To this end, we need to keep innovating based on IPv6 to help the industry thrive. This is why we proposed Net5.5G.”

Second, the business scope will go beyond connectivity. 5.5G will go beyond connectivity to include sensing, which will result in a wealth of new scenarios and applications. Wireless sensing and fiber sensing technologies will be used in vehicle-road collaboration and environment monitoring. Passive IoT will integrate cellular and passive tag technologies to create 100 billion potential connections. 5.5G core networks will redefine architectures and foundational technologies to enable new service scenarios, such as industry private networks, industrial field networks, and new calling.

Third, diversified computing will enable diversified applications. In the 5.5G era, computing architectures will be redefined to increase computing efficiency by 10-fold through chip engineering and full peer-to-peer interconnection architectures.

Fourth, data-centric storage will break through existing limits in storage architecture. Future storage will improve storage performance by 10-fold through data-centric hardware and software architecture and diversified data application acceleration engines.

Fifth, full-stack AI native will make L4 highly autonomous driving networks (ADNs) a reality. ADNs have become a common goal of the industry. Full-stack AI native, from network elements to networks and services, will accelerate breakthroughs in ADN technology. The results of new innovation, such as compression algorithms for hundreds of network indicators and unknown fault identification by AI foundation models, will be widely applied in the 5.5G era.

Lastly, developments in green technology and system-level innovation will increase energy efficiency. The ITU-T has adopted Network Carbon data/energy intensity (NCIe) as the unified energy efficiency metric to guide the industry’s green development roadmap. Huawei has developed innovative solutions for green sites, green networks, and green operations to increase network capacity and cut energy consumption per bit. These solutions will empower operators in the 5.5G era.

“As we move towards the 5.5G era, all industry players need to work together to bring standards to maturity and cultivate a thriving industry,” said Wang. He proposed three recommendations to conclude his speech.

  • The industry needs to work closely together to define the vision and roadmap for 5.5G.
  • The industry should define technology standards within the standards frameworks set by 3GPP, ETSI, and ITU.
  • All industry players should work together to promote a thriving industry ecosystem by incubating more use cases and accelerating digital, intelligent transformation.

The Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week is held from July 18 to July 21 in Shenzhen, China. Together with global operators, industry professionals, and opinion leaders, we dive into topics such as 5.5G, green development, and digital transformation to envision shared success in the digital economy. For more information, please visit:

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‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): شينجيانج، محور تعاون الحزام والطريق

بكين, 18 يوليه 2022 / PRNewswire / — تُعتبر منطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم جسر الصين إلى آسيا الوسطى، الشرق الأوسط وأوروبا، نظرا لموقعها الاستراتيجي باعتبارها الحد الغربي للبلاد.

تلعب هذه المنطقة دورُا حيويُا في مبادرة الحزام والطريق التي اقترحتها الصين ‎(BRI) ، وهي أطار عمل لشبكات التجارة والبنية التحتية التي تربط آسيا بأوروبا وافريقيا على طول وخارج المسارات القديمة لطريق الحرير.

وصف الرئيس شي جين بينج خلال زيارته إلى شينجيانج والتي استمرت من يوم الثلاثاء إلى يوم الجمعة المنطقة متعددة الأعراق بأنها “محور” في تعاون الحزام والطريق.

 لقد تحولت شينجيانج من منطقة نائية مغلقة نسبيا إلى صدارة الانفتاح، وفقا لما قاله الرئيس إلى الموظفين في منطقة ميناء أوروميتشي البري الدولي بعد ظهر يوم الثلاثاء، حيث تعمل البلاد على تعزيز التوسع في الانفتاح، وتطوير المناطق الغربية، والجهود المشنركة في بناء الحزام والطريق.

أكد الرئيس شي على المضي قدما في بناء المنطقة الأساسية للحزام الاقتصادي لطريق الحرير- مكون “الحزام” في مبادرة الحزام والطريق – وإدماج استراتيجية الانفتاح الإقليمي لشينجيانج في خطة البلاد الشاملة للتنمية باتجاه الغرب.


في منطقة الميناء البري الدولي، قام شي بفحص العمليات الخاصة بالسكك الحديدية الصينية – الأوروبية السريعة (أورومتشي)، ميناء ألاشانكو وميناء هورجوس، وكلها بوابات مهمة للتجارة عبر الحدود.

هورجوس يتم ترجمتها حرفيا إلى “مكان تمر فيه القوافل”، كان يستخدم كمركز تجاري على طول الطريق الشمالي لطريق الحرير القديم.

 في عام 2016، أطلق الميناء خدمة قطاراتت الشحن بين الصين وأوروبا ، ومنذ ذلك الحين شهد زيادة منتظمة في عدد القطارات التي تمر من خلاله. على الرغم من تأثير جائحة كوفيد 19، فإن عدد قطارات الشحن بين الصين وأوروبا التي تدخل وتغادر عن طريق ميناء هورجوس تجاوز 4720 قطار في عام 2020، بزيادة قدرها 43 في المائة مقارنة بالعدد الإجمالي في عام 2019.

وفقُا لمسئولي الجمارك المحليين، فإن خدمات قطار الشحن بين الصين وأوروبا قد حظيت بتفضيل عدد متزايد من الشركات خلال الجائحة بفضل أسعارها المنخفضة، وقدرتها الكبيرة على النقل، والاستقرار الكبير والتواصل.

ميناء ألاشينكو والمعروف أيضا بأسم ممر ألاتاو، هو أقرب ميناء للسكك الحديدية في الصين إلى أوروبا. في يناير عام 2020، تم أطلاق التجارة الإلكترونية عبر الحدود في الميناء الداخلي وتم شحن سلع مثل الألعاب، والمنتجات الرقمية والملابس المصنعة في البلاد إلى أوروبا منذ ذلك الحين.

تُظهر البيانات الواردة من جمارك الميناء الداخلي أنه تم تصدير أكثر من 57 مليون طرد تجارة إلكترونية عبر الحدود تتجاوز قيمتها 1 مليار يوان (حوالي 160 مليون دولار أمريكي) عن طريق الميناء منذ يناير 2020.

وأثناء الفحص، سلط شي الضوء أيضُا على أهمية ابتكار نظام للأقتصاد المفتوح، وبناء ممرات كبيرة، والاستفادة بشكل أفضل من كل من الأسواق المحلية والدولية، والخدمة الفعالة والاندماج في النمط الجديد للتنمية.

طرحت الصين استراتيجية تنمية الغرب عام 1999، ومنذ ذلك الحين، حققت المناطق الغربية للبلاد تقدما ملحوظا. يشير النمو المتسارع للناتج المحلي الإجمالي في غرب الصين إلى تضييق فجوة التنمية بين شرق وغرب اليلاد.

فيديو –

Triller Calls for Immediate Ban of TikTok Dubbing it Greatest Existential Threat to the Fabric of America

Triller Calls for Every American to Delete TikTok Today and the U.S. Government to Take Direct and Overdue Action to Ban TikTokTriller Calls for Immediate Ban of TikTok

Triller Calls for Immediate Ban of TikTok

LOS ANGELES, July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Triller calls on CFIUS, President Joe Biden, Congress the Department Of Defense to ban TikTok calling it the largest security threat to America today in open letter by CEO and Chairman of Triller Mahi De Silva.

As the CEO of a global company whose mission is to help creators take control of their destiny in the creator economy, leveraging transformative adaptive technology, I stand with a growing chorus of elected officials, regulators, intelligence officials, other global executives, and consumers who recognize the enormity of the devastating impact of TikTok on our society. The danger signs abound from the leaders of our intelligence community to the most versatile and connected technology journalists. Every American parent needs to ask what this social video app knows about their children and how those signals are used to get a deeper understanding of the location, preferences, and habits of their parents and the entire family. The petaflops of data sent from American TikTok users start with content preferences and location information that can quickly lead to the determination of home ownership, work, and vacation schedules and a host of much more granular data on every aspect of our American lives.

Today, we call for every American to remove TikTok from their devices immediately. Additionally, Triller calls on the U.S. government to take immediate action and ban TikTok and its Chinese-owned parent ByteDance. The stakes have never been higher.

Professor Scott Galloway’s recent piece, TikTok: Trojan Stallion, illustrated this deftly:

“The Chinese government has the power to access the data of private- sector companies whenever it wants. A wide range of laws makes this possible, including the Law of Guarding State Secrets: If you’re suspected of harboring sensitive state information, you must grant access. The state takes small ownership positions known as golden shares (that typically come with board seats) in businesses deemed strategic to the state. One of those golden share arrangements is with ByteDance. And though TikTok is not accessible to Chinese consumers, Chinese access to TikTok’s data is not in dispute. In June, Buzzfeed obtained over 80 audio recordings of internal TikTok meetings, confirming that Chinese management at ByteDance had unfettered access to TikTok’s data. A TikTok manager refers to an engineer in Beijing, known as the ‘Master Admin,’ who “has access to everything.”

This creates some meteoric concerns around TikTok in the United States.

The AI systems that drive the recommendation of short-form videos will be expanded to influence e-commerce and its associated supply chain, which, in turn, will shape and influence the future of American commerce. The Chinese-owned ByteDance and its agent in the United States, TikTok, already have the lion’s share of digital attention, where Americans spend up to 90 minutes a day scrolling through AI- recommended content, far more than the time spent on platforms like Google, Facebook, or Amazon.

More importantly, our concerns as Americans should extend beyond our wallets to the very backbone of our society: representative democracy and free speech. The AI systems controlled by Chinese- owner ByteDance and delivered via TikTok are the penultimate tool to influence our youth by shaping content and perceptions favoring a pro-China agenda.

It is clear that in the lexicon of technology, the signal-to-noise ratio for TikTok and its Chinese-owned parent ByteDance is all signal. It has become unavoidable that TikTok’s overweight position in the marketplace is not simply a threat within the creator ecosystem but a threat to our entire economy, because its Chinese owners don’t have to abide by the same rules as other platforms in this space. These present and future dangers threaten the whole of the American innovation economy.

We understand that some may counter that Google, Facebook, and Triller also collect a myriad of digital grains of sand on users; however, like every other U.S. company, Triller operates under the laws of the United States. It also may seem convenient for a company to call for the ban of the biggest company in its space. But at our core, Triller is about giving creators complete control over their content and their fan data — and ultimately … complete control of their destiny.

As Professor Galloway rightly concluded, we have, as a society, welcomed a foreign actor to seduce our children and dominate this market, and we have done so without objection.

Triller believes that must end.

As Triller has expanded to build the platform for creators and to lay the foundation for its first-of-its-kind Creator Platform, we have developed a far more profound understanding of the creator economy. Through our lens, which watches over 175 billion social media content items per quarter, covering over 2 million creators and 25,000 brands, we have witnessed that TikTok suppresses the content and contributions from Black creators, making that content invisible to its audiences. It is indisputable that the TikTok AI algorithm designed by ByteDance is the ultimate propaganda tool — and it is why India has banned the app from its citizens. Another example is TikTok’s role in the recent Philipino elections for Bong Bong Marcos, as detailed by Bloomberg. As the article expertly assigns culpability to TikTok’s role in rewriting the history of the Philippines, it should also be a clarion call for each of us to understand that exact mechanism is in each of our homes.

There is no doubt that TikTok plays a central role in enabling surveillance networks inside and outside China. The avenues that these technologies can access our lives are almost unlimited. This is a clear and present danger and a national security issue.

Look at the breadth of data that TikTok has access to and understands. Then, marry it with the broader concerns that our political leaders, intelligence community, and business leaders are raising — where there is smoke, there is fire.

Triller is pulling the fire alarm today.

We do not have time to waste.

Triller, the platform for creators by creators, has built a network of creator-first services and products. It has assembled a revolutionary ecosystem to serve the immediate and long-term needs of those who seek to share their passions with the world. While our focus is on the creator and the future of the creator economy, we believe the broader future of American innovation is at risk because of our continued indifference to this threat that is literally in our hands.

Join us today and take action. Join us and all clear-thinking, freedom- loving Americans who believe in free markets, creative freedom, innovation, and a future where we can direct our lives unhindered by dark forces.

Mahi de Silva
Triller, Inc.

About Triller:

Triller is the AI-powered open garden technology platform for creators. Pairing music culture with sports, fashion, entertainment, and influencers through a 360-degree view of content and technology, Triller encourages its influencers to post the content created on the app across different social media platforms and uses proprietary AI technology to push and track their content virally to affiliated and non-affiliated sites and networks, enabling them to reach millions of additional users. Triller additionally owns VERZUZ, the live-stream music platform launched by Swizz Beatz and Timbaland;, a leading customer engagement platform; FITE, a premier global PPV, AVOD, and SVOD streaming site; and Thuzio, a leader in B2B premium influencer events and experiences. Triller recently filed for an IPO expected to occur later this year.

About TikTok:

TikTok is a Chinese communist party trojan horse weapon of war disguised as a short form app that 80 percent or American children have downloaded on their phone. It can read, download, watch, copy, track and control any and all aspects of the phone the information of the owner and those close to it and sends the information back to America’s greatest enemy the China Communist Party. Make no mistake about it, TikTok is not a toy but one of the most advanced weapons of war to ever invade America.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Triller PR

Brian O’Shaughnessy

تعيين الخبير النجم في الصناعة الجيومكانية مستشار استراتيجي أول في شركة أيه أيه أم، إحدى شركات وولبيرت

ملبورن، أستراليا، 18 تموز/يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / —  انضم الدكتور ظفار صادق محمد غاوس، وهو خبير جغرافي مكاني حائز على العديد من الجوائز، إلى المراتب القيادية لشركة  أيه أيه أم، وهي إحدى شركات وولبيرت. . يعمل محمد غاوس كمستشار استراتيجي أول ضمن فريق القيادة الجيومكانية في وولبيرت، مما يعزز خدمات وقدرات الشركة الجيومكانية العالمية.

Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Ph.D., has joined AAM, a Woolpert Company.

يتمتع محمد غاوس بأكثر من 25 عامًا من الخبرة خلال عمله مع العديد من شركات الاستشارات الهندسية الدولية، والعمل في القطاعات الحكومية والأكاديمية والبحثية والشركات.  وقد شغل مناصب قيادية عليا في مؤسسات جيومكانية متعددة الأطراف، بما في ذلك شبكات إدارة المعلومات الجغرافية المكانية العالمية التابعة للأمم المتحدة ومجلس الصناعة الجيومكانية العالمي، وقاد مشاريع بملايين الدولارات لعملاء الحكومات الفدرالية والولائية في أستراليا ونيوزيلندا وماليزيا وإندونيسيا والهند والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية.  يوضح الأستاذ في جامعات الهند وأستراليا، محمد غاوس، كيف تعمل العلوم المكانية على تحسين البيئة المبنية.

وقال نائب رئيس شركة وولبيرت لمنطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ والمدير الإداري لشركة أيه أيه أم، بريان نيكولز، إن الخبرة الاستشارية الجغرافية المكانية الواسعة التي يتمتع بها محمد غاوس ستزود عملاء وولبيرت بحلول مصممة خصيصًا ومؤثرة.

وقال نيكولز: “أظهر ظفار قدرته على إحداث تغيير إيجابي في جميع أنحاء الصناعة، ونتطلع إلى العمل معه والتعلم منه والبناء على خبرته وتجربته”.

تم الاستحواذ على شركة وولبيرت في العام 2021. وقال جوزيف سيبي، نائب رئيس شركة وولبيرت الأول، إن إضافة محمد غاوس يوفر ميزة استراتيجية للشركة ويفيد عملاءها بشكل كبير في جميع أنحاء العالم.  وتحدث محمد غاوس عن الفرص التي يراها في الانضمام إلى وولبرت.

وقال محمد غاوس “إنه فريق مذهل ومتنوع ومتعدد الثقافات يتمتع بمهارات وخبرات فنية متنوعة”.  “أتطلع إلى العمل مع هذه المجموعة وتوسيع مجموعة خدماتنا الواسعة للنهوض بالصناعة الجغرافية المكانية.”

حول أيه أيه أم، واحدة من شركات وولبيرت

أيه أيه أم، وهي إحدى شركات وولبيرت، هي شركة تكنولوجيا جيومكانية، متخصصة في جمع وتحليل ودمج المعلومات الجغرافية المكانية.  نحن نؤمن بأن الخرائط والقياسات الرقمية تجعل عالمنا مكانًا أفضل.  من خلال التقاط وقياس وتقديم البيانات الجيومكانية، نساعد العملاء على اتخاذ قرارات أكثر استنارة في عالم يزداد تعقيدًا.  شركة وولبيرت شركة رائدة متخصصة في قطاعات الهندسة المعمارية والتصميمات الهندسية، وتقنيات الجغرافيا المكانية ( AEG ) والاستشارات الإستراتيجية، وتهدف الشركة إلى أن تصبح واحدة من أفضل الشركات في العالم في مجال عملها. وقد تأسّست الشركة في العام 1911 ، وأصبحت أسرع الشركات العاملة في قطاعات AEG نموًا في أميركا منذ العام 2015. وتضم الشركة أكثر من 1900 موظفً من 60 مكتبًا في أربع قارات. يرجى زيارة و .

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ستيفن هندرسون، +61 431 090 338,</2483><2489 > وجيل كيلي 937-531-1258،

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Charles Lachaux Signs Exclusive Direct to Consumer Distribution Deal With Blockchain-Based Membership Wine Community Crurated

Crurated clients will have special access to Lachaux’s small production wines that are in high demand globally

Charles Lachaux, Golden Vines 2021 “best young winemaker on the planet”

Charles Lachaux, Burgundy’s most forward-thinking winemaker, announced an exclusive partnership with blockchain-based membership wine community Crurated. Lachaux’s celebrated and award winning wines, that are small production and in high demand all over the globe, will be sold exclusively to Crurated members.

LONDON, July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Charles Lachaux, Burgundy’s most forward-thinking winemaker, today announced an exclusive partnership with blockchain-based membership wine community Crurated. Under the terms of the deal, Lachaux’s celebrated and award winning wines, that are small production and in high demand all over the globe, will be sold exclusively to Crurated members. More details on the offerings and on Crurated membership can be found at

For members special offerings will be released in multiple phases throughout the year. The first offering includes 1 mixed case of six appellations:

  • Bourgogne Aligoté, Les Champs d’Argent, 2021
  • Bourgogne Rouge, La Croix Blanche, 2021
  • Côte de Nuits Village, Aux Montagnes, 2021
  • Aloxe-Corton premier cru, Les Valozières, 2021
  • Nuits Saint Georges village, La Petite Charmotte, 2021
  • Nuits Saint Georges premier cru, Aux Argillas, 2021

Starting July 25th the wines will be offered to Crurated members through private sale.

“Innovation in winemaking is key to producing and distributing an exceptional bottle of wine,” said Charles. “For decades wine has been distributed to discerning wine lovers without an eye for how the process can be improved. Crurated streamlines access to rare wines and their use of blockchain and NFT technology provides buyers with the authenticity and provenance much needed in this industry. They are the ideal partner for us as we embark on a new age of direct to consumer wine sales.”

“Our team is fortunate to be working with the world’s greatest wines and winemakers and Charles Lachaux is no exception,” said Alfonso de Gaetano, Founder of Crurated. “Our blockchain-based technology platform has revolutionized the way rare wines are bought and sold. We are the first member-based wine community to offer full transparency and asset value protection. This model is already redefining the wine cellar far beyond the four walls.”

Each bottle will be accompanied with an NFT. Recorded forever on the blockchain, the NFT will verify the authenticity of the bottle and provide other important details including ownership history, vintage, vineyard location, varietal, and other key details. The NFTs are easily accessible by tapping on an NFC or RFID enabled phone. The bottle history is also updated via a new blockchain recording anytime the wine is resold and the token moves from one client to another.

Although Charles Lachaux wines will be sold directly to consumers exclusively through the Crurated platform, B2B restaurant sales will still be handled by distributors.

About Charles Lachaux
Charles Lachaux has made revolutionary changes to the viticulture at Arnoux-Lachaux, pushing the boundaries of Burgundian winemaking today. Described by Jancis Robinson as “a bright new star”, he embodies the new generation. In 2021 Charles was crowned “best young winemaker on the planet” at the Golden Vines Awards held in London. He is an advocate of high density planting, low yields and intensive vineyard work, which includes training his vines into long ‘arches’ rather than pruning their shoots. Lachaux represents the 6th generation to care for the family estate located in Vosne-Romanée (Côte-d’Or).

About Crurated
Launched in 2021 with an emphasis on France and Italy, Crurated is a membership-based wine community designed to connect connoisseurs directly with world-class producers. A team of specialists provides personalized services and authentic experiences, while Crurated’s seamless logistics service guarantees quality and provenance thanks to secure wine cellar storage and innovative blockchain technology. For more on Crurated, visit

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

Michael Volpatt
(415) 994-8864