U.N. Member States Remove Islamic Republic of Iran from Commission on the Status of Women

Today, the United Nations Member States acknowledged the courage of the Iranian women and girls leading this revolution and acted in favor of women’s rights by voting to revoke the regime’s membership on its preeminent body on gender issues.

NEW YORK, Dec. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

This fall, a coalition of Iranian women, along with Vital Voices Global Partnership and For Freedoms launched a campaign calling for the immediate removal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) after the tragic death of Mahsa Jina Amini and ensuing protests. The following is a statement issued by the group in response to today’s vote by the Commission in favor of the IRI’s removal: 

Today the United Nations and its Member States heeded the call of Iranian women to remove the Islamic Republic of Iran from the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. Earlier this year, to the dismay of women’s rights advocates around the world, the Islamic Republic began a second four‑year term on the 45‑member entity that serves as the preeminent global body dedicated to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. The final decision included 29 Member States voting in favor of removing the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Commision.

Today’s vote marks a pivotal step forward with the U.N. Member States removing a country from the Commission with an appalling record on women’s rights from its membership. Every day that the Islamic Republic of Iran was a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, the body lost credibility.

As we previously stated in an open letter published in The New York Times, the IRI’s long‑standing, systematic oppression of women and the absence of tangible improvements after decades of engagement, should have disqualified them from election to the Commission on the Status of Women.

Yesterday, Iranian women currently imprisoned inside the notorious Evin prison came out with tremendous courage in listing their names in support of this effort.

For decades, gender inequality and discrimination against women have been legally enshrined in the IRI. Under the regime’s penal code and other laws and regulations, Iranian women’s rights are severely restricted in marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody. In addition, they must comply with the IRI’s mandatory hijab laws from the onset of puberty.

Yet, the IRI was elected to the Commission on the Status of Women.

Today, we commend the Member States for upholding their duty to mandate and defend values that support gender equality and for standing on the right side of history by showing their outrage in the face of blatant state violence.

This is a critical moment for leaders in the international community to continue to vocally and unequivocally demonstrate their support for women’s rights by standing in solidarity with Iranian women and girls.

In solidarity with Iranian women and girls who are courageously demonstrating for their fundamental human rights, we condemn the brutal violence against peaceful protesters and the violence at the forceful hands of the Islamic Republic’s regime that includes executions, targeted attacks on women’s bodies, sham trials, mass imprisonment, sexual assault, beatings and torture.

To world leaders who are watching, we urge you to continue to meet the courage of the women leading this revolution and act within your realm of power and influence in favor of women’s rights, fairness and equality.

To the Iranian women who are on the ground continuing to fight tirelessly for basic human rights, we will continue to listen to you, support you, and boldly move in ways that provoke justice, fairness and equality for you and all women, all life and all freedom.

In Solidarity,

– Coalition of Iranian women leaders alongside Vital Voices and For Freedoms

Visual Assets Available for Use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqiBdtq2nnI


Woman Life Freedon
Vital Voices, For Freedoms, and a Coalition of Iranian Women

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8714699

Introducing Kapsul ATLAS protective athletic gear

With revolutionary Dynamic Neck Stabilization Technology

The biomechanically-tested neck protective shirts empower every athlete to do what they love for longer—no matter their age or skill level.

WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kapsul Tech Corp. today announced the Kapsul ATLAS, a lightweight and flexible shirt with a protective collar designed to support athletes’ necks without compromising their performance.

Kapsul ATLAS fills the gap in protective gear between the torso and head with technology built on industry-leading research into neck biomechanics. Kapsul’s Built-in Dynamic Neck Stabilization Technology provides neck support and stabilization without impacting an athlete’s range of motion or mobility by dissipating forces during play to help mitigate the risk of injury, pain or strain.

The neck plays a critical role in athletic performance and Kapsul’s proprietary technology is built on years of research with athletes of all ages and skill levels in multiple sports. While neck support and protection is crucial for all athletes, Kapsul’s research also identified two groups that strongly benefit from additional protection— younger athletes whose muscles and bones are still developing and female athletes who typically have longer necks with lower muscle density,

Throughout their careers, athletes experience repetitive G forces that can cause force and fatigue damage to the muscles and tissues of the neck. The average G force of an airplane takeoff is 0.4G—the average hit in football is 103 Gs. In addition to mitigating these forces, Kapsul ATLAS can also reduce muscle fatigue and fatigue-related injuries, which empowers athletes to play and train longer.

“Kapsul ATLAS is the culmination of years of innovation, design and testing, with some of the world’s top athletes and government funded military research. Our team is excited to unveil this new model of protection and performance to the world of sports, power sports, safety and service,” said Dr. Daryl Sherman, CEO, Kapsul Tech Corp. “The neck is the perfect starting point to demonstrate this new model that supports joints through a full range of motion without performance deficit.” Dr. Daryl Sherman, CEO, Kapsul Tech Corp.

Bringing the Kapsul ATLAS to market required new testing methods since research on neck performance in sports lags behind other body parts. Kapsul conducted joint research with the Canadian Military and the University of Waterloo creating an FEM (Finite Element Model) using the Global Human Models Consortium. The GHMC is a clinically validated model that responds to forces in the same way the human body does. Unlike commonly used test dummies, this allows for an unprecedented level of detail, taking into consideration: soft tissue, skeletal structure, musculature and fluids during imposed forces. This is the form of testing also used by many major car manufactures.

The Kapsul ATLAS is available in men’s, women’s, and junior sizes and is available for purchase starting at USD 79.99. For more information, please visit kapsultech.com.

About Kapsul

Kapsul is a design and technology company obsessed with the neck, neck protection, and its importance to all athletes. We’re a passionate team dedicated to advancing the science of protection. We’re here for athletes, of all kinds, at all levels — to empower them to do what they love for longer.

Kapsul™ Tech Corp Logo

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T68ZCE96c60
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1968068/Kapsul_Introducing_Kapsul_ATLAS_protective_athletic_gear%C2%A0With_re.jpg

Media Contact: Melissa Melnychuk, melissa@kapsultech.com

‫تحدد DXC Technology خمس طرق ستحول بها الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) الحياة والأعمال في السنوات الخمس المقبلة

– اتجاهات التكنولوجيا الغامرة التي ستحدث ثورة في طريقة عملنا وحياتنا

لندن، 14 دجنبر/ كانون الأول 2022 / PRNewswire / — كشفت شركة DXC Technology (المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز NYSE: DXC) ، وهي شركة خدمات تكنولوجية عالمية رائدة في قائمة Fortune 500 ، عن خمس طرق تتوقع أن يؤثر الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) على الحياة والأعمال في السنوات الخمس المقبلة.

The DXC Virtual World (credit: DXC Technology)

1. لن يكون التعاون في مكان العمل هو نفسه مرة أخرى

في جميع أنحاء العالم، سيصبح الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) جزءًا من العمل اليومي لعدد متزايد من الموظفين. بدلاً من التحديق في شبكة من الوجوه ثنائية الأبعاد على شاشة مؤتمرات الفيديو، سيتمكن الزملاء من اختيار مقعدهم على طاولة افتراضية، والخروج من الغرفة للاستراحة، وحتى الذهاب في نزهة افتراضية مع رئيسهم.

لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الفوائد، تجمع العديد من الشركات بالفعل بين مؤتمرات الفيديو التقليدية وتقنيات التعاون الغامرة. لاحظت DXC التأثير الإيجابي لعالمها الافتراضي الخاص، مع زيادة مستويات الإنتاجية والمشاركة والإبداع بين موظفيها.

“تساعد تجارب الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) الموظفين على التركيز بشكل أفضل والاحتفاظ بمزيد من المعلومات. يمكن أن تساعدنا العوالم الافتراضية على الخروج من روتين مؤتمرات الفيديو لدينا وفتح الباب لمزيد من التعاون والابتكار”، كما تقول ناتالي فانكلويسين، رئيسة الواقع الممتد في DXC Technology .

2. الأحداث المهنية واسعة النطاق ستصبح افتراضية

الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) هو مكان حيث يمكن للآلاف من الصور الرمزية في جميع أنحاء العالم أن يجتمعوا معًا للتفاعل والالتقاء والمشاركة. يمكن للرسوم الرمزية ثلاثية الأبعاد، التي يتحكم بها الأشخاص من موقعهم المريح، أن تتجول بحرية عبر مساحة لا نهائية تقريبًا وتنقل أنفسهم من مكان إلى آخر على الفور. في المستقبل، ستقام المزيد من الأحداث واسعة النطاق مثل المؤتمرات والمعارض ومؤتمرات القمة في عوالم افتراضية، مما يتيح فرصًا أكبر للتعاون في جميع أنحاء العالم ويقلل من الوقت والموارد والبصمة الكربونية المستخدمة عند السفر.

3. ستنتقل الفرق الموسيقية والدي جي والنوادي الرياضية والمواعدة إلى الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس)

يشجع المزيد والمزيد من الأفراد والمؤسسات من صناعة الموسيقى والرياضة المشجعين على الانضمام إليهم من مقاعد افتراضية في أماكن افتراضية، مما يجلب الإثارة من الحفلات الموسيقية والمباريات إلى منزل الفرد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقدم بعض تطبيقات المواعدة مثل Nevermet و Flirtual بالفعل خدمات في الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس). في السنوات الخمس المقبلة، سيتم تقديم فرص تفاعلية وغامرة للمستهلكين للقيام بالأشياء التي يحبون القيام بها في العالم المادي – كل ذلك من خلال الصورة الرمزية الرقمية الخاصة بهم.

4. ستعبر العلامات التجارية عن نفسها بطرق جديدة

ستصبح تجارب العملاء الافتراضية شائعة مع العلامات التجارية التي تبحث عن طرق جديدة ومثيرة للتفاعل مع عملائها. العلامات التجارية الكبرى للبيع بالتجزئة مثل لويس فيتون Louis Vuitton وأديداس Adidas وغوتشي Gucci وكوك Coke ونايك Nike ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع شركات السيارات مثل نيسان Nissan وتويوتا Toyota وفيراري Ferrari ، تقوم بالفعل بتجربة البيئات الافتراضية والواقع المعزز. في السنوات الخمس المقبلة، تتوقع شركة DXC المزيد والمزيد من العلامات التجارية لتقديم فرصة للعملاء لاستكشاف علاماتهم التجارية وحلولهم وخدماتهم ثلاثية الأبعاد – من الفنادق والمدن والمطارات.

5. التوظيف والتأهيل سيتغيران

يعد توظيف المواهب جزءًا لا يتجزأ من نجاح أي عمل، والوصول إلى المواهب هو الخطوة الأولى. على مدى السنوات الخمس المقبلة، سوف تتحول المنظمات بشكل متزايد إلى الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) للتواصل مع المرشحين بطرق مغرية وجذابة. يمكن أن يكون الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) مفيدًا أيضًا للشمولية. يمكن أن تساعد استضافة مقابلات الجولة الأولى في الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) القائمين بالتوظيف على تحديد المرشحين الذين يتمتعون بالملف السلوكي الصحيح بدلاً من مجرد أولئك الذين لديهم أوراق اعتماد أو مظهر السيرة الذاتية الصحيحة.

“الأفراد والشركات يفتحون عقولهم على إمكانية استخدام الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) في الأنشطة اليومية”، تلخص ناتالي فانكلويسين. “نشأ العديد من شباب اليوم في التواصل الاجتماعي والألعاب عبر الإنترنت، لذلك يجب أن تكون الشركات والمؤسسات الحكومية والعلامات التجارية قادرة على إشراكهم في المنتجات والخدمات التي تبدو مألوفة ومثيرة.”

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة:


نبذة عن شركة DXC Technology

تساعد DXC Technology (المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز NYSE: DXC )  الشركات العالمية على تشغيل أنظمتها وعملياتها الحيوية أثناء تحديث تكنولوجيا المعلومات، وتحسين هياكل البيانات، وضمان الأمن وقابلية التوسع عبر السحب العامة والخاصة والسحابة الهجينة. تثق أكبر الشركات ومؤسسات القطاع العام في العالم في دي أكس سي لنشر الخدمات عبر حزمة تكنولوجيا المؤسسات لدفع مستويات جديدة من الأداء والقدرة التنافسية وتجربة العملاء عبر قطاعات صناعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات. تعرف على المزيد حول كيفية تقديم التميز لعملائنا وزملائنا في  DXC.com .

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1966818/DXC_Technology_Company_DXC_Technology_Identifies_Five_Ways_the_M.jpg  

للتواصل: ألكساندرا أندرياسيك بنكوسكا، DXC Technology ، بريد إلكتروني: a.andreasikbinkowska@dxc.com 

Why Hisense Chose to Sponsor FIFA World Cup™:  A Perfect Match Between Hisense and Football

QINGDAO, China, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In the past four years, Hisense has consecutively sponsored FIFA World Cup Russia 2018TM and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM, showcasing the heightened strength and depth of its globalization processes. “Sponsoring FIFA World CupTM and other top-tier football tournaments manifests Hisense’s vision to carve out its individualized path of sports marketing as well as its unwavering commitment to building a multinational corporation,” said Dr. Lan Lin, President of Hisense Group.

Hisense becomes the Official Sponsor of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

Football as a Focus of Hisense Sponsorship Strategy

Football and TV have always been inextricably linked with one another. The history of televised football dates back to 1937, and generations of broadcasting and display technologies play a vital role in boosting the popularity of the sport.

Hisense FIFA World Cup™ LED perimeter board

Hisense positions football as an indispensable part of its sports marketing strategy not only because consumers can experience the best of Hisense TV technology while watching captivating matches, but also because the cooperation with top events like FIFA World CupTM can bring considerable brand exposure and thus greatly exalt brand recognition. After sponsoring FIFA World Cup Russia 2018™, Hisense overseas brand awareness increased by 6 pps.

After 15 years of dedication in sports marketing, Hisense also developed its own particular approach in terms of football sponsorship. Besides the international quadrennial football tournaments, Hisense also adopts a region-specific sponsorship scheme to generate feedback from respective markets. In Europe, for example, Hisense became the official sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain FC and has inked a two-year extended partnership with Leeds United in the Premier League. Millions of fans and ultra-high traffic brought by these sporting events will translate into immeasurable potential in brand reputation and thus propel Hisense to enter the next stage of internationalization.

FIFA’s Fruitful Partnership with Hisense

President of Hisense Group Dr. Lan Lin with FIFA President Gianni Infantino

In April 2017, Hisense entered into its first cooperation with FIFA and in the next five years, this partnership has evolved into a consolidating and mutual-beneficial one: For one thing, FIFA has invited Hisense to carry out in-depth technological upgrading of its live broadcasting technology and display products. For another, Hisense also launched customized products for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM, which applies technologies such as Movement Compensation (MEMC), Sports Mode, and Player Recognition to greatly enhance the viewing experience for consumers, and records a remarkable performance in terms of their product sales and global reach.

Sports marketing is and will continue to be an effective means to achieve Hisense’s long-term developmental goals. Empowered by premium products and continuous technological breakthroughs, Hisense looks to further extend its corporate culture and obtain brand growth utilizing the language of sports.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1968475/Hisense_Official_Sponsor_FIFA_World_Cup_Qatar_2022TM.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1968476/Hisense_FIFA_World_Cup_TM_LED_perimeter_board.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1968477/1.jpg

Michael Martin appointed as new CEO of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit

Basseterre, Dec. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Michael Martin has been appointed to take the helm at St Kitts and Nevis’ Citizenship by Investment Unit and lead the evolution of the country’s investment migration programme.

The twin-island nation is on a drive to enhance its Citizenship by Investment Programme, so it continues to be the benchmark of the global investor immigration industry.

The Prime Minister welcomed Martin at an event at the Citizenship by Investment Unit and expressed his excitement as Martin’s appointment, which comes at a time when the country is evolving its Citizenship by Investment Programme so that it not only attracts intelligent investors but benefits local citizens as well.

The Prime Minister also expressed his confidence in Martin who has been described as the perfect candidate to help the nation realise its goal of providing a programme that will uplift the Kittitian and Nevisian society through beneficial investment options that bring tangible value, while also offering an enriching base to international investors.

At the briefing, the new Head of the Citizenship by Investment Unit thanked the Prime Minister for trusting him with “this very important assignment” and expressed his excitement about taking on the new task.

Martin also stated that a situational analysis would be conducted to assess the status of the Unit and determine the best way forward to “maximize efficiency and effectiveness”.

“This is an operation that is very important to the development of the country, and to the people of the country. We will have to rebrand and refocus the programme, define our strategic goals, and create some new investment options that would be aligned to those strategic goals. ”

The Citizenship by Investment Programme is expected to undergo a complete evolution. Martin spoke of the strategic plans he has in store for the Unit and reiterated that the focus is on advancing the country. “We will be looking at emerging markets and redefining our target client. There must be some exclusivity to it,” he added.

St Kitts and Nevis welcomed a new administration in August that is working tirelessly to revamp the country’s citizenship by investment programme. Now, in the third iteration of its evolution, after four decades of erudition and development, St Kitts and Nevis administration is using creativity and boldness to ensure that the programme transcends to the modern age; and that the security infrastructure is enhanced and strengthened.

A local Kittian, Martin has strong financial acumen and brings a wealth of experience in strategic planning and compliance. He is touted as being the man to bring greater stability to the CBI Unit which will now have more legislative and administrative oversight.

Martin’s past experience as a service provider in the investment migration industry and his local roots make him the right candidate to understand what our external stakeholders require from us as well as knowing how we can use this programme to uplift our people.

Martin will lead a team of efficient and focused experts who will ensure that the programme increases processing efficiency and accuracy while also maintaining strong due diligence processes so that only investors of the highest calibre are accepted.

St Kitts and Nevis’ Citizenship by Investment Programme will be underpinned by three fundamental principles including sustainability, good governance and pragmatism.

The enhanced Citizenship by Investment Programme has been crafted under a sustainable model that will ensure that St Kitts and Nevis continues to be the envy of the international community by injecting high levels of integrity and administrative improvements.

The Programme is to be structured to allow for greater transparency and accountability, which make the hallmarks of a good governance framework that solidifies the foundation of any successful Citizenship by Investment Programme.

Investment options are to be tailored to align with market realities while preserving the platinum brand St Kitts and Nevis has developed and nurtured for four decades, operating the oldest Citizenship by Investment programme in the world.

Martin has served in top management positions in several companies, including the National Caribbean Insurance Company, National Bank Trust Company, and Sagicor Life Inc. He was previously a director of the Insurance Association of the Caribbean, Honorary Secretary of the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society Council of Management, and director for First Federal Cooperative Credit Union.

He holds a graduate diploma from the International Compliance Association and Manchester Business School, a certificate in International Trust Management from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and a certificate in Managing Financial Services from the University of the West Indies.

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment programme was founded in 1984 and remains one of the most sought-after programmes of its kind in the world. The programme continues to be one of the most awarded, having taken the top spot in the CBI Index, a comprehensive ranking system that evaluates operational citizenship by investment programmes around the world.

St Kitts and Nevis programme continues to be underpinned by a strong multi-layered due diligence process in partnership with top due diligence firms from the United Kingdom and the United States.

PR St Kitts and Nevis
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8714576