‫Open Startup تربط بنجاح النظم البيئية في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا بالنسخة الثانية من أسبوع الغمر العالمي

  • GIW 2.0: تعزيز النظم الإيكولوجية للشركات الناشئة من خلال برنامج ناجح للاتصالات عبر الحدود

 African Media Agency– تونس،28 في مارس 2023. اختتمت Open Startup -OST  بنجاح النسخة الثانية من أسبوع الغمر العالمي (GIW) ، وهو حدث استمر لمدة أسبوع جمع الخبراء والمستثمرين وبناة النظام البيئي والشركات الناشئة وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين بهدف ربط مختلف الجهات الفاعلة في النظام البيئي من دول في إفريقيا والشرق الأوسط وتعزيز التعاون بين المناطق وتقديم لمحة عن النظام البيئي للشركات الناشئة وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين من المغرب،الأردن ،السنغال، تونس و الجزائر من خلال الابتكار و الانفتاح والتبادل.

ويعد هذا المؤشر معلما هاما في تعزيز مهمة معاهدة الفضاء العمانية لتعزيز التعاون بين الأقاليم وتبادل المعرفة بين المبتكرين. وأتاحت الفرصة للشركات الناشئة وبناة النظم الإيكولوجية والمستثمرين وأصحاب المصلحة لاكتشاف وجهات نظر جديدة وإقامة علاقات جديدة والتعلم من بعضهم البعض، مما يساهم في نمو وتطوير النظام البيئي للشركات الناشئة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا.

في الفترة من 13 إلى 17 مارس ، اجتمعت 14 شركة ناشئة و 25 من بناة النظام البيئي والمستثمرين وأصحاب المصلحة من أكثر من 5 دول في سلسلة من حلقات النقاش الجذابة وفعاليات التواصل والزيارات الميدانية ، وجلسات عرض الأفكار والمحادثات التي قدمتها Africinvest ، وجلسات “Meet & Mix” التي تهدف إلى ربط رواد الأعمال التونسيين برواد الأعمال الإقليميين ، وأكثر من ذلك.

كما رحب أسبوع الانغماس العالمي بوفد من كلية كولومبيا للهندسة والأعمال ، ومركز نيويورك وليجاتوم للتنمية وريادة الأعمال في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ، وبرنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذية في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا.خلال الحدث الذي استمر أسبوعا ، تم تخصيص الأحداث الفرعية لخبراء التكنولوجيا ومختلف اللاعبين في النظام البيئي ، بقيادة كبار القادة: OST Tech Night – حدث تقني يعرض المشهد التكنولوجي في المنطقة ،  جلسة غوص عميق حول النظم البيئية في أفريقيا، ألقاها عبده شاوي، وحلقة نقاش تغطي فرص الاستثمار في أفريقيا، ألقاها ميشيل أمسالم، ودييغو أرياس، وخوليو موبيمبا، وإيوتو إيوفو، وجلسة عرض مراكز كولومبيا العالمية في عمان وتأثيرها، ألقاها أحمد الموسى.

وخلال الحفل، عرضت هدى غزي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة OST، استراتيجية OST وركائزها الرئيسية الأربعة للسنوات الثلاث القادمة: (1) المزيد من الأنشطة الإقليمية، (2) التركيز على الشركات الناشئة المتقدمة من خلال OST Grow (برنامج الاستعداد للاستثمار)، (3) التركيز على التكنولوجيا العميقة في أفريقيا من خلال برنامج Brain، وأخيرا، (4) بناء المجتمع. كما أوضحت “في منطقتنا من العالم، لا يمكن أن يكون دعم الشركات الناشئة متعلقا بشكل جوهري برواد الأعمال ومشاريعهم. بدون التفاهم والانفتاح الإقليميين، تواجه الشركات الناشئة بسرعة أسواقا وموارد وشبكات وطموحات ضيقة. هذا هو أحد الأسباب التي تجعل OST يركز على تعزيز الشراكة عبر الحدود من خلال المصلحة المشتركة والمواءمة والثقة “. وأضافت: “نود أن نشكر جميع الشركات الناشئة من جميع أنحاء المنطقة التي انضمت إلينا هذا الأسبوع وجميع الشركاء والمتحدثين الذين دعموا الحدث. بدون دعمهم ومساهماتهم، لم يكن الحدث ممكنا “.

مارتن إيوالد ، مدير محفظة الاستثمار المؤثر ، أليانز جلوبال إنفستورز “يسعدنا العمل مع شريك متفاني ومحترف مثل OST وقدرتنا على دعمه لتطوير النظام البيئي للشركات الناشئة في إفريقيا “

تعرب OST عن امتنانها لجميع الشركاء الذين دعموا مهمة المنظمة ، بما في ذلك مرفق المساعدة الفنية AfricaGrow الذي تموله الوزارة الألمانية للتنمية الاقتصادية والتعاون من خلال بنك التنمية الألماني ، ومؤسسة دروسوس ، وكولومبيا الهندسية ، وكلية كولومبيا 

للأعمال ، والسفارة الأمريكية في تونس ، ومجموعة أفريك إنفست ، ومراكز كولومبيا العالمية في عمان ، ومراكز كولومبيا العالمية في تونس ، وإينوفي – EU4Innovation ، والاتحاد الأوروبي في تونس ،  خبرة فرنسا ، والنقطة. OST ممتنة أيضا لثقة شركائها في BRAIN: Africa Grow ، ومركز Legatum للتنمية وريادة الأعمال في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ، وبرنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذية في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ، ومعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في إفريقيا ، والسفارة الأمريكية ، و Africinvest ، و IFC ، و Instadeep ، و Digital Africa.

 حول OST

Open Startup (OST) هي منظمة غير ربحية تعمل كمركز إقليمي للشركات الناشئة في شمال إفريقيا والشرق الأوسط. تتمثل مهمة OST في تعزيز ريادة الأعمال والابتكار من خلال توفير الوصول إلى الموارد والشبكات والإرشاد عبر القارات. ومن خلال برامجها المختلفة، تدعم OST الشركات الناشئة ورواد الأعمال في بناء أعمالهم وتوسيع نطاقها، ودفع عجلة النمو الاقتصادي وخلق فرص العمل في المنطقة.

OST في شراكة مع كولومبيا للهندسة ، كلية كولومبيا للأعمال ، السفارة الأمريكية في تونس ، أفريكا جرو ، مجموعة أفريك إنفست ، مراكز كولومبيا العالمية في تونس ، مراكز كولومبيا العالمية في عمان ، مؤسسة دروسوس ، Innov’i – EU4Innovation ، الاتحاد الأوروبي في تونس ، فرانس إكسبيرينس ، وذا دوت.

معلومات صحفية: Hello@dabuzzconsulting.com press@dabuzzconsulting.com

Open Startup Successfully Connects Middle East and Africa Ecosystems with the Second Edition of Global Immersion Week

  • GIW 2.0: Strengthening Ecosystems Through Successful Cross-Border Connections Program

TUNIS, TUNISIA – African Media Agency – 28 March 2023 – Open Startup (OST) successfully concluded the second edition of the Global Immersion Week (GIW), a week-long event aimed at connecting different ecosystem players from countries in Africa and the Middle East to bridge ecosystems and foster cross-region collaboration through innovation, openness, and exchange.

This GIW 2.0 is a significant milestone in reinforcing OST’s mission to foster cross-regional collaboration and knowledge exchange among innovators. It provided an opportunity for startups, ecosystem builders, investors, and stakeholders to discover new perspectives, forge new relationships, and learn from one another, contributing to the growth and development of the MEA startup ecosystem.

From March 13th to 17th, 14 startups, 25 ecosystem builders, investors, and stakeholders from more than 5 countries gathered for a series of engaging panel discussions, networking events, and site visits, counting pitching and talk sessions delivered by Africinvest, the “Meet & Mix” sessions aiming to connect Tunisian entrepreneurs with regional ones, and more.

The Global Immersion Week also welcomed the delegation from Columbia Engineering and  Business School, New York and Legatum Center of Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, and MIT Executive MBA Program.

During the week-long event, sub-events dedicated to tech savvies and different ecosystem players, and led by top leaders: OST Tech Night- a tech event showcasing the tech landscape in the region, a Deep Dive session about Ecosystems in Africa, delivered by Abdou Chaoui, a panel covering Investment opportunities in Africa, delivered by Michel Amsalem, Diego Arias, Julio Mupemba, and Ioto Iovo, and a session presenting Columbia Global Centers in Amman and its impact, delivered by Ahmad Al Mousa.

During the ceremony, OST CEO, Houda Ghozzi presented OST’s strategy and its 4 main pillars for the upcoming 3 years: (1) more regional activities, (2) focus on advanced startups through OST Grow (its investment readiness program), (3) focus on Deeptech in Africa through the Brain program, and finally, (4) Community building. As she explained “ In our region of the world, supporting startups cannot be intrinsically about entrepreneurs and their ventures. Without regional understanding and openness, startups are quickly confronted with narrow markets, resources, networks, and ambitions. That is one of the reasons why OST 

focuses on fostering cross-boundary partnership through joint interest, alignment and trust”.

She added, “ We would like to thank all the startups from around the Region who joined us this week and all the partners and speakers who supported the event. Without their support and contributions, the event would not have been possible.”

Martin Ewald, Lead Portfolio Manager Impact Investing, Allianz Global Investors “We are thrilled to be working with and being able to support a partner as dedicated and as professional as OST to developing the start-up ecosystem in Africa “

OST is grateful for all the partners who supported the organization’s mission, including AfricaGrow Technical Assistance Facility which is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation through KfW, Drosos Foundation, Columbia Engineering, Columbia Business School, U.S. Embassy Tunis, AfricInvest Group, Columbia Global Centers l Amman, Columbia Global Centers I Tunis, Innov’i – EU4Innovation, Union européenne en Tunisie, France Expertise, and The Dot. OST is also grateful for the trust of its BRAIN partners: Africa Grow, Legatum Center of Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, MIT Executive MBA Program, MIT Africa,The US embassy, Africinvest, IFC, Instadeep and Digital Africa.

About OST

Open Startup (OST) is a non-profit organization serving as a regional hub for startups in North Africa and the Middle East. OST’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship and innovation by providing access to resources, networks, and mentorship across continents. Through its various programs, OST supports startups and entrepreneurs in building and scaling their businesses, driving economic growth and job creation in the region.

OST is in partnership with Columbia Engineering, Columbia Business School, U.S. Embassy Tunis, Africa Grow, AfricInvest Group, Columbia Global Centers I Tunis, Columbia Global Centers l Amman, Drosos Foundation, Innov’i – EU4Innovation, Union européenne en Tunisie, France Expertise, and The Dot.

Press Info: Hello@dabuzzconsulting.com  press@dabuzzconsulting.com

Why Lasik Eye Surgery is Popular with Professionals in Dubai

CEOs and high-level executives often get LASIK eye surgery to improve their vision and eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – EQS Newswire – 28 March 2023 – Business professionals in Dubai are increasingly turning to LASIK eye surgery to improve their vision and enhance their productivity in the workplace.

CEOs and high-level executives often get LASIK eye surgery to improve their vision and eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. The reasons are similar to those for other business professionals, including improved productivity, confidence, and overall quality of life.

Who wants to worry about glasses creating glare during a televised conference, interfering with their workout, or suffering with contact lenses during a long business flight?

Here are a few examples of influential executives who do not wear glasses in public, either for public image or personal reasons.

  • Elon Musk – CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Inc.
  • Mark Zuckerberg – CEO of Meta
  • Jeff Bezos – Founder and former CEO of Amazon

LASIK, or Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, is a safe and non-invasive surgical procedure that corrects vision problems, such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Professionals traveling and working in the United Arab Emirates have a solution for their vision goals.

Dr. Abdullah Naqi, Ophthalmologist and Executive Director of North American Lasik & Eye Centre (https://NorthAmericanLasik.com), located in Dubai, commented, “For professionals looking to improve their vision and enhance their careers, LASIK can be a life-changing option.” He later added, “With LASIK eye surgery, individuals can achieve a clearer, more comfortable vision, which can lead to increased productivity and confidence in both their professional and personal lives.”

According to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, over 700,000 LASIK procedures are performed each year in the United States. This number indicates LASIK remains a popular and safe laser vision correction option for those seeking to improve their vision and life.

Many business professionals are also attracted to LASIK because of its safety and reliability.  The procedure is minimally invasive and typically only takes about 15 minutes per eye, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort during or after the procedure. Patients can return to work and resume their normal activities within a few days, with most experiencing significant improvements in their vision within hours of the procedure.

About the Clinic:
The North American Lasik & Eye Surgery Center team of surgeons have over 20 years of experience and performed over 16,000 eye surgeries. Their commitment to all their patients is that they receive treatment in terms of quality, trustworthiness, and credibility.

Download image: https://apo-opa.info/40Ipzs4

Media Contact:


Envision Pharma Group Appoints Richard Gorman as President, Strategic Consulting

PHILADELPHIA, PA / ACCESSWIRE / March 28, 2023 / Envision Pharma Group (Envision) has appointed Richard “Rich” Gorman to the role of President, Strategic Consulting and member of the Executive Leadership Team.

Rich is a 30-year veteran of the life sciences industry and a respected leader with a track record of success in pharmaceutical commercialization. He is an experienced head of high-performing teams that build go-to-market strategies to deliver on business development and revenue generation goals.

Rich will be responsible for leading the Strategic Consulting business across Envision’s commercial, medical, and technology sectors. He will lead a team of scientific, medical, and commercial strategists with deep expertise in the life sciences industry while combining its technology and AI platforms to accelerate the business and scientific momentum of clients’ strategies.

Prior to joining Envision, Rich served as Chief Commercial Officer and Global Head of Strategy for Amplity Health. Before that, he held various leadership positions and senior business development roles at Syneos Health. His background includes serving as a CEO for a specialty pharmaceutical company, as well as several positions within the field of contract pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.

Rich shares, “I am delighted to be joining Envision Pharma Group at this pivotal and exciting time. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead this talented team of strategy consultants. Combining their proven capabilities with the Envision technology platform will create a powerful option for manufacturers looking to efficiently bring new science and products to patients.”

Meg Heim, Chief Executive Officer of Envision Pharma Group, states, “We are so excited to have Rich join our team as we continue to accelerate Envision’s business expansion, mission, and commitment to our clients’ needs. Rich’s proven expertise will be critical in partnering with our clients to execute upon their goals, improve performance, and meet their unique business needs with the support of our technology platforms and strategic advisory expertise.”

About Envision Pharma Group
Founded in 2001, Envision Pharma Group is a leading global technology-enabled strategic solutions partner for the life sciences industry, working with over 200 pharma and biotech companies, including 18 of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies. Envision supports clients across the product life cycle through a comprehensive suite of services and industry-leading technology solutions that include artificial intelligence and natural language processing, commercialization and integrated strategic consulting, evidence-based scientific communications and engagement, HEOR/market access and data analytics, medical capabilities, and omnichannel solutions. Learn more at www.envisionpharmagroup.com.

Contact Information

Colleen Carter
1 (508) 505 8856

SOURCE: Envision Pharma Group

Q’Apel Medical Inc. Granted CE Mark Under MDR for Their Walrus Balloon Guide Catheter

FREMONT, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 28, 2023 / Q’Apel Medical Inc. was granted the CE Mark under MDR for Walrus, their U.S. market-leading Balloon Guide Catheter (BGC) utilized in treating patients suffering an acute ischemic stroke. The Walrus BGC has been utilized by Neuro Interventional physicians since 2019 and has successfully treated over 20,000 patients in the United States.

The Walrus BGC is a unique development in the field of Mechanical Thrombectomy procedures. It provides physicians with not only the known benefits of BGC use clinically, but unique to Walrus, superior ease of use in preparation in these urgent procedures. Importantly, Walrus enables the physicians to navigate the catheter into a more distal location easily and safely compared to other systems, which is associated with improved patient outcomes from stroke.

“The anticipation of Walrus in our international markets has been enormous, and we look forward to the same performance and loyalty around Walrus we have been fortunate to experience in the United States,” said King Nelson, Q’Apel Medical’s CEO.

“We are thrilled to be entering the EU and other international markets with Walrus and providing more physicians in more countries the unparalleled performance of our flagship catheter. This CE Mark certification represents a significant growth milestone for Q’Apel Medical providing access to new markets,” commented Jodie Fam, Chief Marketing Officer & GM International.

About Q’Apel Medical

Q’Apel Medical designs highly innovative technologies for neurovascular interventions and unmet clinical needs. Q’Apel’s portfolio comprises three products, the Walrus Balloon Catheter System, the Wahoo Hybrid Access System and Armadillo Radial Access System. Before Walrus came along, balloon-based variable stiffness catheters brought all manner of technological constraints. Not anymore. By blending flow control, trackability, support, and access into one revolutionary solution, Walrus offers truly unmatched functionality. The Wahoo Hybrid Access System and Armadillo Radial Access System are dual-mode catheters and part of the SelectFlex™ Family of Neurovascular Catheters. These devices feature two distinct operational modes, allowing physicians to easily switch modes at any point during a clinical case and reducing the need for multiple catheters in challenging procedures.

Media Contact: Jodie Fam
415 244 9885

+44 7500702108


Contact Information

Jodie Fam
Chief Marketing Officer & GM International

SOURCE: Q’Apel Medical Inc.